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Characters / Sheriff Hayseed

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    Todd Hayseed 
The sheriff of Troughwater, who's very much a work in progress.
  • The Alleged Expert: Todd got the job as Troughwater's sheriff because he said on his resume he helped guard the Whatchamacallum fortune, which Joy took as a sign he was competent. It turns out that Whatchamacallum is a knick-knack store in his hometown, and he was a cashier there. His experience in guarding a fortune was helping his boss hide his fortune from the IRS.
  • Meaningful Name: "Todd" is a name of Middle English origin that means "fox."
  • Momma's Boy: His mother was the one who made his Sheriff outfit and his boomerang. He even screams "I LOVE MY MOM!" as he reveals the latter information, leading to Shawn to say the expression to him word to word.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Shawn's blue.
  • Thou Shalt Not Kill: The reason why he uses a boomerang instead of a gun.
  • Vague Age: His age isn't stated outright, but he doesn't think that he's legally allowed to drink alcohol.
    Shawn Burrowitz 
Todd's best friend and the deputy of Troughwater.
  • Ambiguously Jewish: Given that his last name is "Burrowitz."
  • Characterisation Marches On: In the "Strategically Stupid" pilot, Shawn was constantly deadpan and was too busy dealing with Todd's overconfidence and incompetence to really be fazed by criminals. As of "Boomerang in a Gun Fight", he's shown to be more devoted to his job as deputy, but still maintains his snarkiness.
    Josanne "Mayor Joy" Hackney 
The mayor of Troughwater, who doesn't tolerate inefficiency or insubordinate work.
    Lloyd Herdwick 
Mayor Joy's assistant.
  • Drill Sergeant Nasty: Gets downright SERIOUS when he trains Shawn and Todd. According to Lloyd, his training came from when Mayor Joy taught him everything she knew, implying she did the same to him.
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: Phlegmatic. He is very meek and timid.
  • Stealth Pun: Is a sheep, and him being scared crying by the crime in Troughwater means he's quite sheepish.
     Huck Hickman 
A resident of Troughwater.
  • Butt-Monkey: Everytime he's on-screen, he WILL be subjected to an injury.
    • Iron Butt Monkey: That being said, he takes it all in stride and just gets right back up.
  • The Pollyanna: Quite an upbeat fellow, even admist the injuries and robberies.
    Ol' Boomstick 
One of the MANY criminals and bandits of Troughwater.
    The Scarecrow (SPOILERS!) 
A crow-themed bandit who's never been to Troughwater but means BUSINESS. Is actually Mayor Joy in disguise.
  • Samus Is a Girl: Is referred to with male pronouns but is revealed to be Mayor Joy once she's unmasked.
    Taylor Runningham 
A thief and pickpocket.
  • Implausible Deniability: She denies stealing Todd's boomerang, despite clearly holding it.
    Todd: Shawn, Taylor pickpocketed my boomerang!
    Taylor: Nuh uh.
    Shawn: Wha- yuh huh!
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: After being on the receiving end of a Curb-Stomp Battle and being thrown back in prison, she states that she'd rather do her time than deal with an angry Mayor Joy again.
  • Super-Speed: Even with her being a cheetah, she manages to perform the extraordinary feat of breaking the sound barrier while escaping Todd and Shawn. A shame it wasn't enough to outrun Mayor Joy, however…
