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Characters / SCP Animated - Tales from the Foundation: Others

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Other Characters

    The Gate Visitor
A mysterious individual who has a history with SCP-001 (The Gate Guardian). Better known as Lucifer.

     Jim Davis 
Creator of Garfield and a usual victim of SCP-3166.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Feels regret over creating the monstrosity that is SCP-3166, thinking that if he didn't create Garfield then the SCP wouldn't exist.

     Long Horse 
A horse skull attached to a seemingly never-ending neck, and it appears to humans to warn them about future disasters.
  • Accidental Murder: While trying to inform the power plant workers, it scared one into a fatal heart attack.
  • Alternate Self: It’s designated as SCP-1156, something that Carson immediately states isn’t true. He then concludes that it’s a dimensional counterpart to the actual SCP-1156.
  • Bearer of Bad News: It shows people visions of future disasters in an attempt to warn them.
  • Cassandra Truth: The nuclear power plant employee it keeps appearing to doesn’t listen to the visions it sends him until they come close to coming true.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: It may be an Animalistic Abomination of a skeletal horse, but it's genuinely benevolent and tries to warn humans of future disasters.
  • Long Neck: As its name suggests, its neck stretches, possibly infinitely.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: The response the employee has after realizing the Long Horse was trying to warn him? That it did a bad job.
