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Characters / Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Liberators Of Fate

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The characters of the Pokémon fanfiction Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Liberators Of Fate and its prequel Heroic Dreamers

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Lance acts as the leader for Team Liberators. A sixteen-year-old Lucario(fifteen at the start of the story) with a troubled past, he left his home alongside his brother, Brian, in a quest to bring help to Pokémon everywhere. During his journey, he meets trials and tribulations, alongside his trauma from years ago.
  • Battle Aura: Sometimes, when pushed to the limit, his body is radiated by a purple aura.
  • Book Worm: Has a collection of books in his apartment.
  • The Corruption: During chapter 55, Necrozma takes a hold of his body, twisting it to fit with himself. From that moment onwards, Lance takes a backseat, his body being controled by Necrozma.
  • Experienced Protagonist: He already starts the story knowing how to fight, how to handle politics, go on rescue missions, and many other skills taught at his father's guild.
  • Fighting Your Friend: During the third arc, Lance is forced to fight his brother. It's set to rain, and in the end, he wins, but not without realizing an important thing about his allies.
  • Mirror Character: Necrozma considers Lance very similar to himself, but looks down on him due to Lance being only a mortal.
  • No Social Skills: Due to an event in his childhood, Lance struggles to form meaningful bonds, and remains stoic throughout most of his interactions, even towards his best friend and twin brother. As the story goes, he slowly breaks out of his shell, showing more emotions and a drive to protect the ones he holds dear.
  • The Leader: He's the leader of Team Liberators for over half the story.
    • During the third arc, after his betrayal, Brian takes the mantle of leader in his place.
  • Puppet King: He's this to Necrozma, who takes control of his body during the latter half of the third arc.
  • Purple Is Powerful: His aura color is purple.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: He's the blue to Brian's red.
  • The Stoic: Acts this way for most of the story, keeping his emotions in check.


The secondary protagonist of Liberators, Brian is a cheerful, excited Zoroark that likes to tinker and build mechanical gadgets for his friends. He's always there when they need him, and continues to keep a happy personality, even as the story progresses and the threats they face grow bigger.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Brian keeps a cheerful tone throughout most of his interactions, but he can get serious if the situation calls for, and hates seeing his friends getting hurt.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Played straight. Brian, despite being a Zoroark, a Pokémon known for its treachery and illusions, is the most kind-hearted character in the story.
  • Demonic Possession: Played with. By tapping on the dark-type z-crystal, Brian is temporarily possessed by the spirit of Darkrai. During subsequent uses, he got the hang of it.
  • Goggles Do Nothing: Despite wearing them, they're mostly for show, unless Brian gets into a fight.
  • Pursue the Dream Job: Brian wants nothing more than being an engineer, taking odd jobs here and there to tinker.
  • Sibling Team: He works on a team with Lance.
  • Technical Pacifist: He opposes fighting, but as the story goes on, Brian realizes he needs to fight to protect those he cares about.
  • Visual Development: Starting on the third arc, Brian cut his mane. It's now shorter, like a mullet.


Introduced as the third member of team Liberators, Meggie is an easygoing girl. She's not a natural fighter, and can be sassy sometimes. She also has something unusual about her: Meggie used to be a human. Now a Froslass, she fights alongside her friends in their quest for love and peace.
  • Action Girl: When she was introduced, she had no fighting skills. Slowly, she began fighting more alongside her team, and she can now hold her own.
  • Identity Amnesia: Meggie has no memories of her life as a human.
    • During an exploration through a dungeon, Meggie remembers hearing about disco balls. She doesn't rememeber details, but it's a memory.
  • Sixth Ranger: Introduced as that, Meggie joined the team as their third member.
  • Was Once a Man: She used to be human, but a freak accident caused her to get transported into the Pokémon world, where she was turned into a Snorunt.
