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Characters / Monster School

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The characters in Monster school.

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The teacher of Monster school.

  • Adaptation Personality Change: In Minecraft fanon, he's a mysterious, malevolent mob who stalks players. Here, he's just a teacher and doesn't participate in the challenges.

  • Badass Teacher: Even though we don't see him in combat, his powers are pretty cool.

  • The Cynic: Deacribed as "the opposite of jolly and upbeat," meaning that he's cynical and negative.

The substitute teacher. She takes over when Herobrine's not teaching.


A zombie who takes this school.

A skeleton who goes to Monster school.


A spider who... you know the drill by now.

An enderman who is an artist at heart.
  • Nice Guy: the most friendly of the students.

A slime who is from France.

A Zombie Pigman who is a real jerk.

A ghast who likes heads.

New students

A magma cube who was invited to the school.


A baby zombie who, despite all appearances, is a real brat.


A blaze that doesn't like people stealing her homework.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Has a very short temper. Endie even gives her a book titled "How to Handle Anger Issues" as a Christmas gift.

A wither skeleton who likes fighting.
  • Dumb Muscle: is described as being very unintelligent.

A wither with three heads; his right head is evil, his left is kind-hearted, and the middle likes to scare people.
