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Characters / Marvel Versus DC

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Axel Asher
A child born of two worlds. Axel's life was relatively normal until he came across a bum named Morty who told him he was the only hope in saving the DC and Marvel Universe as their respective personifications were battling causing them to fold into each other. Things only got weirder from there.
  • Barrier Maiden: it’s his cosmic duty to keep the DC and Marvel universes apart. Failure to do so will cause them to amalgamating.
  • Child of Two Worlds: Once he met Morty, he belonged to neither and both worlds.
  • Fusion Dance: In Unlimited Access he learns to do this to others amalgamating them.

    The Brothers 

The Brothers

Access’s Amalgams


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An Amalgam Access created with Thor and Superman from his Superman Blue era
  • Shock and Awe: Created from the god of Thunder and Superman when he was a being made of electricity.
  • Thunder Hammer:Still has Thor’s Hammer
    Captain America Jr. 

Captain America Jr.
An Amalgam Access Creayed with Captain America and Captain Marvel Jr.
