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Characters found in Godspeed.

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"I don't want to be forgotten!"
Voiced by: Bryce Charles

The main protagonist, a young woman who finds herself stranded on a dying Earth after she gave her ticket off-world to a young boy.


"Iris, listen to me! I promise you I'll find a way back to you... No matter what!"
Voiced by: Troy Baker

Iris' uncle and father figure. He's spent the past two years trying to find a way to reach his niece after she was left behind during the evacuation.


"I used to have music! I could get parties going!"
Voiced by: Olan Rogers

A little karaoke robot who follows Iris around in her travels and keeps her company.

  • Cute Machines: And how ! He's an adorable little robot with an egg-shaped body, a pair of cat-like ears, and a screen for a face that can display some really cute expressions.
  • Expy: Of KVN, in a way. Though it's heavily Down Played in that Bowie isn't as annoying as KVN and, unlike Gary, Iris actually likes having him around and cares about him. Still, Bowie is a Motor Mouth whose constant blabbering can easily ruin the dramatic tension in an otherwise serious scene, he's a Robot Buddy to an otherwise lonely protagonist (though Iris also has June, who's implied to be the only human being she interacts with), he has Skewed Priorities and he's utterly terrible at reading a room. And while KVN was voiced by Fred Armisen, the fact that Bowie is voiced by Olan Rogers himself further reinforces the connection to his Final Space counterpart.
  • Keet: Small? Check. Hyperactive? Check. Annoying-yet-loveable? Double-check. Bowie is basically the only source of humor and levity in what is otherwise a very bleak setting.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Gets the robotic equivalent of one late into the pilot, when he suffers a nasty hit that leaves a noticeable crack on his screen.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: He's the only source of humor and levity in what is otherwise a very bleak setting.
  • Robot Buddy: He follows Iris around whenever she ventures into the wasteland, and she's shown to be quite fond of him in return.
  • Spanner in the Works: A beneficial one. Him downloading a bunch of music in the hanged couple's house using the remnant Wifi still running in the building also lets him download Ryan's message to Iris, letting her know to head to the old launch site to meet him. Or, rather, to meet Kingslayer.
  • TV Head Robot: His face is a little screen that adapts to the emotion he's trying to convey in a given situation.


"I won't forget you."
Voiced by: Claudia Black

Iris best (and only) human friend. She was left behind on Earth during the evacuation, and the reason Iris herself is still on Earth is because she gave her boarding pass to June's son so he could be taken to safety.

  • Good Parents: The only thing that matters to her is that her son is safe. Iris' sacrifice is the reason why June became her best friend, and when they have to say goodbye to eachother, June finds solace in the fact that, no matter what happens, her child is alive and well thanks to Iris.
    June: "My son escaped this world. He's alive. My job is done..."
  • I Owe You My Life: She owes Iris her son's life, which, as a loving mother, she considers even more important than her own life.
  • I Choose to Stay: After Iris receives a message from her uncle urging her to go back to the old launch site (which requires going through a deadly storm), June states that she won't be going with her, accepting her fate in the wasteland. After a last farewell, June only asks Iris not to forget her, which Iris promises she won't.

    June's son 

June's son
Voiced by: N/A

June's young son. Iris gave him her boarding pass so that he could get on one of the ships in her stead, ensuring that he would be taken somewhere safe instead of being trapped on a dying world.

  • Affectionate Nickname: During a dialogue with Iris, June calls him her "little starman".
  • Children Are Innocent: He's just a little boy who didn't have the luck to be among those allowed to board one of the ships leaving Earth. Iris took pity on him and (after a moment of hesitation) gave him her own ticket because she knew the poor kid would most certainly die should he remain on Earth.
  • No Name Given: His name isn't listed at any point, either in or out of universe. June herself only refers to him by an Affectionate Nickname when she mentions him during a dialogue with Iris.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: He only appears on screen for less than a minute, has no spoken lines and we don't even get to learn his name. But Iris' decision to give him her ticket is what kickstarts the story and the reason why she's stranded on Earth in the first place.


"People call me... Kingslayer."
Click here to see him unmasked 
Voiced by: Coty Galloway

A mysterious alien figure who appears at the end of the pilot to rescue Iris on Ryan's behalf.

  • Cat Folk: He's a feline-looking alien.
  • Expy: Of Avocato, to the point they could basically be considered the same character written-in in a lawyer-friendly way. Not only does Kingslayer look like an older version of Avocato, he's also voiced by the same person (Coty Galloway) and what little we know of him so far keeps bringing Avocato to mind: he's an Old Soldier, he was the best friend of a human male (Iris's father, who also brings Gary to mind due to the numerous Final Space references that can be spotted in the final minutes of the pilot) and his very name is a direct reference to the fact that in Final Space, Avocato murdered the king and queen of Ventrexia.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: He has two small scars on the side of his face.
  • Lantern Jaw of Justice: The bottom half of his face could rival the chin of a certain foolish Samurai, though it's implied that at least part of it is just fur.
  • Old Soldier: He's old enough to have been the best friend of Iris' father, who went missing when she was still too young to remember him. Considering that Iris appears to be in her early 20s, and that KS visibly looks aged despite being an alien, he definitely qualifies.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: He only introduces himself as "Kingslayer".
  • Walking Spoiler: It's pretty much impossible to mention him without giving away The Reveal at the end of the pilot. While he did get some Foreshadowing early on, it comes off more as a Rewatch Bonus as the viewer was pretty much "tricked" into thinking that Ryan was the one coming to rescue Iris.
