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Characters / Final Frontier Federation

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The character page for Final Frontier Federation, which will be updated as more members of the roster are unveiled. Currently a work in progress. Spoilers will be left unmarked. You have been warned.

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T.O.M. (Toonami Operations Module)
"Stay gold."
The host of the Toonami block and the creator of Final Frontier.

Sergeant Arch Dornan
A sergeant of the Enclave who TOM enlists to help him run Final Frontier.
    Dynamic Duos 

Hidan and Kakuzu
Kakuzu (left) and Hidan (right)
A pair of immortal missing-nin associated with the Akatsuki, whom Black Hat recruits for his plans.
  • Blood Knight: Both of them enjoy a good fight, but Hidan loves it so much, he gets off on it.
  • The Brute: They fulfill different variations of the trope. Kakuzu is a calculating Genius Bruiser, while Hidan is an unhinged Blood Knight.
  • Co-Dragons: Because they're partners, they're technically of equal standing and both answer to Black Hat. That being said, Kakuzu often occupies most of the duties associated with The Dragon and takes the lead when it comes to carrying out Black Hat's orders, while Hidan is only in it to fight people.
  • The Heavy: After joining up with Black Hat, they carry out his plans and move the plot along.

Other characters

    Major Antagonists 

Black Hat
"Evil is our business. And business is good."
The CEO of the Black Hat Organization.
  • Big Bad: His string-pulling and manipulations are the cause of all the major woes that befall the promotion.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: Episode 6 reveals he's struck an alliance with the Horned King, but Black Hat remains the more prominent of the pair, as well as the chief mastermind of their plan.
  • Dark Is Evil: Looks the part, dresses the part, lives the part.
  • Eviler than Thou: Black Hat is a depraved psychotic whose plans encompass the future of F3, making him far more dangerous than any of the heels.
  • High-Class Glass: Subverted. While he wears a monocle and puts up the front of a suave businessman, he's a slimy, capricious conman.
  • The Man Behind the Man: While playing the part of manager for Demencia, Black Hat is also the one directing Hidan and Kakuzu to do his bidding.
  • Signature Headgear: True to his name, he wears an old-fashioned top hat.

The Horned King
"Now I call on my army of the dead: the Cauldron Born! Arise, my messengers of death! Our time has arrived!"
An undead necromancer who acts as Painwheel's manager.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: He's revealed to have allied with Black Hat in his bid to take over F3 and the two appear to be on amicable terms.
  • Evil Sorcerer: He's an undead practitioner of black magic and sorcery.
  • Horned Humanoid: Well, he is called the "Horned King" and has a clear humanoid shape, resembling a disheveled old man.
  • Necromancer: In case his zombified army, "The Cauldron Born" didn't tip you off, he himself is an undead sorcerer with the power to raise his minions from the dead.
  • Non-Action Big Bad: Because of his weak and frail body, Horned King abstains from direct action in favor of being the manager for Painwheel, who makes up for his lack of physicality.
  • Sorcerous Overlord: As his name implies, he's the lord of the undead army known as the Cauldron Born, and practices dark rituals to raise his minions.
    Secondary Antagonists 

Orcelot Rex
An old enemy of TOM's who returns to seek revenge.
  • Arc Villain: For Episodes 8-10. His kidnapping of TOM makes him the main antagonist in the eyes of the crew.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: Despite the trouble he causes, he's just a pawn in Black Hat's schemes and doesn't even get to face the F3 crew before being unceremoniously offed by Painwheel.
  • In the Back: Painwheel ran him through with her blades when he turned his back to her.
  • Killed Offscreen: He's dead as a door nail by the time the crew reaches him, courtesy of Painwheel.
  • Revenge: His main motivation stems from TOM humiliating him by defeating him with a fork in Toonami's Endgame storyline. Unfortunately, this makes him the perfect pawn for Black Hat.
  • The Scapegoat: His true purpose was to be Black Hat's fall guy for the kidnapping and security room break in.
  • Space Pirate: His lot in life.
  • Unwitting Pawn: He was too blinded by revenge to realize Black Hat was manipulating him.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Once the crew firmly believed he was the mastermind of the security room attack, Black Hat and Horned King had Painwheel dispose of him.
