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Characters / Feather Of Praying

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Main Duo

    Qui Xiaoqi 
The heroine of the game. She is a lonely girl who gets bullied by everyone around her for her purple eyes.
  • All of the Other Reindeer: She was bullied by all the other kids for her purple eyes.
  • Better with Non-Human Company: Her Only Friend in life was a bird, Wing, who never judged her like the human kids did.
  • Together in Death: In Normal End 2, when Wing tries to sacrifice his life so she can escape the Gray Fairyland, Xiaogi makes a counter-prayer to save him at the expense of her life; the conflicting prayers result in both of them being destroyed by the Fairyland. In the True Ending, on the other hand, this same prayer somehow lets them both survive and return to their bodies on Earth.

    Bai Yu 


A strange boy who meets Xiaogi in the labyrinth and agrees to help her escape. He is actually a bird she befriended, who prayed for her to live when she was hit by a car.

  • All of the Other Reindeer: He explains in the ending that he was picked on by the other birds because he couldn’t fly, and bonded with Xiaogi because of their similar circumstances.
  • Commonality Connection: He bonded with Xiaogi so much because he too was bullied by his peers for possessing a “defect”, in his case his inability to fly.
  • Driven to Suicide: In every ending except the Bad Ends, he stabs himself at the end of the game to offer his life as the cost for the prayer that will allow Xiaogi to escape the Gray Fairyland.
  • Humanity Ensues: When his soul is taken to the Gray Fairyland, he is turned into a human. Xiaogi never recognizes him until he tells her who he is at the end of the game.
  • Only Friend: To Xiaogi, as he never judged her for her purple eyes like the human kids did.
  • Together in Death: In Normal End 2, when Wing tries to sacrifice his life so she can escape the Gray Fairyland, Xiaogi makes a counter-prayer to save him at the expense of her life; the conflicting prayers result in both of them being destroyed by the Fairyland. In the True Ending, on the other hand, this same prayer somehow lets them both survive and return to their bodies on Earth.
  • Two Aliases, One Character: Bai Yu is introduced as a mysterious white-haired boy, and only in the endings is it revealed that he is Wing, Xiaogi’s bird Only Friend.


    Prayer Realizer 
The entity who fulfills prayers.
  • The Atoner: The letters left around the Gray Fairyland helping people navigate it are their way of atoning for creating the Fairyland and using it to grant prayers for a price, only for the Fairyland to kill and assimilate the souls before they could get their wishes granted.
  • Big Good: In the sense that the Prayer Realizer is the one who writes the letters that guide Xiaogi and Bai Yu through the Gray Fairyland and its traps.
  • Deal with the Devil: They have the power to answer prayers, but warn that there will always be a cost one must be willing to pay. Wing, in his case, offered his life as the price for saving Xiaogi from dying from the car crash and letting him see her one last time, which got both of them dragged in the labyrinth.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: In one of their notes, the Prayer Realizer recalls looking at all the prayers that were never granted because the souls who made them were devoured by the Gray Fairyland, and asks if creating it was the right thing to do.

    The Antagonist 

Gray Fairyland

The sentient dimension created by the Prayer Realizer to grant prayers.

  • Big Bad: It is the entity that trapped Xiaogi and Bai Yu inside itself and is trying to kill them to devour and assimilate their souls.
  • Genius Loci: The Gray Fairyland is a sentient mansion-like labyrinth of rooms that draws in souls who pray to the Prayer Realizer and then creates traps from their insecurities to keep them from escaping and getting their wish granted.
  • The Starscream: The Prayer Realizer created it to help grant prayers and make those who are in it pay the cost for their prayer. Instead, it actively went against its purpose and started doing everything it can to keep souls trapped inside, subverting their prayers and leaving them unfulfilled.
