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Characters / Codex Equus Sauropodia

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  • Awakening the Sleeping Giant: In-universe, sauropods are the Trope Namer. They don't want trouble and are peaceful and kind, but they're more than prepared to curbstomp anyone who dare attacks them first. The fact they're dragon sized sauropods with earth pony-like magic makes it more effective. Doubly so as unlike the dragons, they keep progressing technologically, magically, and militarily.
  • Curbstomp Battle: Normally the end result of someone starting a fight with the country.
  • Fantasy Counterpart Culture: While not one to one, takes a good bit from Switzerland, including their Martial Pacifist qualities.
  • Martial Pacifist: They practice "Armed Neutrality", and thus while remaining peaceful and neutral in all conflict, they keep a well armed and powerful standing military for self-defense, and every Sauropod of age is military trained.
  • Team Switzerland: They remain neutral in every conflict and have never been the aggressor. That said, anyone who dares to attack them will find out they're far from helpless.
  • Truce Zone: Are open and welcoming, but don't dare bring your wars and conflicts to their country, or they reserve the right to give you the boot.

    Queen Immensa 
