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Characters / Blood Fest

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Blood Fest Characters:

Spoilers will be unmarked - it is recommended that you watch the movie before reading this page.


  • Cain and Abel: The Abel to Jayme's Cain.
  • Freudian Excuse: His mother was murdered by one of his father's patients when he was a child. This actually strengthened his love of horror movies, because the films were fake in comparison to his own trauma.
  • Genre Savvy: As a lifelong horror fan, he's able to use his knowledge of "the rules" of horror to navigate Blood Fest.




  • Sex Signals Death: She and Krill have sex while trapped in a bathroom. They both die very soon afterwards.

     Roger Hinkley 

     Lenjamin Crane 

     Dr. Conway 

  • Archnemesis Dad: He is both Dax's father and one of the main antagonists.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: He and Walsh are working together towards the same end (kill everyone at Bloodfest) for different motivations (Walsh is a Mad Artist, he wants to end horror as a genre forever).
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Subverted; he is very hesitant to harm Dax in his schemes, but ultimately proves willing to blow him up when cornered.
  • Freudian Excuse: He blames horror movies for driving one of his patients to kill his wife, and seeks to destroy the horror genre forever.
  • Murder Simulators: Horror films are the target of his ire instead of video games, but otherwise he shows all of the classic elements of an overprotective parent who blames violent media for real-life tragedy.
  • Papa Wolf: In the opening scene, he shoots his wife's murderer to protect young Dax.


  • Cain and Abel: The Cain to Dax's Abel.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: She has a brief scene with Dax near the beginning, fades out of the plot shortly afterward, and turns out to be The Dragon.
  • Daddy's Little Villain: She cooperates with her father's scheme to cause a massacre at Blood Fest.
  • The Dragon: She is the on-the-ground leader of the monsters, and reports directly to Walsh and her father.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: She genuinely loves her brother, and ultimately kills Dr. Conway to protect him.
  • Heel–Face Turn: She spends most of the film as a major antagonist before betraying her superiors to protect Dax at the end.
  • Karma Houdini: She ultimately escapes punishment for her role in the massacre.
  • Morality Pet: Dax is hers. She spares him several times and even kills her father to protect him (and herself).
  • Samus Is a Girl: Red wears a baggy jacket and a mask, concealing the fact that she's a woman.
  • The Sociopath: She's completely unrepentant for committing mass murder, and even mentions how she 'doesn't feel anything'. How much of this is her father's influence is unclear.
  • Villain: Exit, Stage Left: At the end of the movie, she escapes through a window.
  • Walking Spoiler: She's Red, the new horror "icon" that is killing people in the festival, on the orders of her father, the true Big Bad of the film. Since she only has one brief scene before The Reveal, it's hard to discuss her without mentioning her involvement in Blood Fest.

     Anthony Walsh 

  • Big Bad Duumvirate: He and Dr. Conway are working together towards the same end (kill everyone at Blood Fest) for different motivations (Conway wants to end horror as a genre forever, he is a Mad Artist).
  • Mad Artist: He wants to slaughter everyone at Blood Fest to make the perfect horror movie.


  • Punch-Clock Villain: The Monster Clown troupe were found through Craigslist.
  • Tragic Monster: Many of them were either psychologically troubled individuals tortured until they believed they were horror film characters or girls from Eastern European countries lured by the promise of visas and well paid jobs, then surgically modified into makeshift vampires. The zombies are corpses dug up and controlled by electrodes.
