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Awesome Music / Metalcore

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Metalcore, often considered the bastard child of both Hardcore and Metal, happens to be one of the least popular genres amongst metalheads for either being too poppy (Bring Me The Horizon, Of Mice and Men etc.) or having "Third rate At the Gates riffs." As poppy, clichè, and repetitive it might get, Metalcore does have its fair share of bangers.

  • August Burns Red: proof that not all Christian metal is shit.
    • You could say that the band's entire discography is superb. but their debut, Thrill Seeker, is probably their best one yet. It's aggressive, it's relentless, it's just batshit CRAZY! The. Fucking. Intro on "Your Little Suburbia Is In Ruins". Holy. FUCK! "OPEN THOSE EYES, WAKE FROM PEACE! OPEN THOSE EYES! WAKE FROM PEACE!"
    • They released a Christmas album with quite possibly the most powerful rendition of "Carol of the Bells" ever made! The riffs are made with 100% power on this one!
  • Although seen as Early-Installment Weirdness, the first two albums of Avenged Sevenfold, Sounding the Seventh Trumpet and Waking the Fallen, are still loved by the band's fans, especially the latter. Sounding is already a great album, possibly the heaviest album in the band's discography. It's an aggressive thrill ride that never stops (unless you count "Warmness On The Soul"). Waking is a refinement of Sounding, with better vocals and bigger songs. It also produced the band's biggest hit at the time, "Unholy Confessions", which is still fondly remembered among the fans.
  • Tim Lambesis might be one of the most infamous figures in Metal today (a while back, he hired a hitman to kill his wife, which didn't end well for him). But As I Lay Dying is a kickass band and have stayed true to the 2000s Metalcore sound ever since their debut album. Although they didn't reach commercial success until their third album, An Ocean Between Us, was released, it's currently ranked 16,760 in the overall greatest album chart with a total rank of 65. "Nothing Left" is one of the ULTIMATE mosh pit songs!
  • Parkway Drive are the driving (no pun intended) force in the Australian Metalcore scene. They're basically the glue that holds all the great Aussie metal bands together! They might've sold out a little bit (their newer stuff sounds like what a wannabe tough guy would listen to), but their older shit is truly where it's at. "Wild Eyes" is just so adrenaline pumping, combine that with the sick drumming and you've got yourself a masterpiece!.
  • Polaris add elements of Post-Rock and Djent into their sound. Brian May was a legendary guitarist and was probably one of the best metal EVER had to offer, up there with the likes of Chuck Schuldiner, Randy Rhoads, and even Dave Mustaine! His complex, amazing style will be remembered for years to come. "Consume" was his establishing moment.
  • Australia has a lot of amazing metalcore bands to offer. Make Them Suffer, were originally a symphonic deathcore band, but over the years, they have refrained from playing Deathcore (perhaps due to the members not wanting to restrict themselves to only one genre) and have switched to a more mainstream sound while keeping the symphonic elements from their first album. The result? Metalcore that is original, unique and downright beautiful. "Erase Me" is one of the most powerful songs they've ever done. For Deathcore lovers, we recommend checking out their debut album, Neverbloom. Deathcore can't get any more atmospheric than this.
