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Awesome Music / Jumanji

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Music from the film

With James Horner working on the score, you're bound to get a lot of good music.
  • The Prologue music introduces the theme for the board game, and is nice and low while still being dangerous, hinting at what's to come.
  • "A New World", where Alan finds out he's home, is a sad, soft tune, but the wood instruments give it an added boost. The result emphasizes that, even though Alan's home, he's still long gone from the world he knew.
  • "The Hunter" starts with soft strings before building into a sudden loud horn section signifying Van Pelt's arrival. It then moves to a brief, softer, pizzicato section to distract and build tension for a few moments as Carl questions Alan. It distracts you a little from Van Pelt before another loud horn section shows Van Pelt back in the picture.
  • Likewise, "Stampede!" has a soft string section before building into something. However, this one builds into something that sounds more like a semi-organized cacophony of mostly strings, which suits the coming stampede of different animals nicely.
  • "Jumanji" is the music from the last twelve minutes of the movie. The first several minutes don't let up as the main characters go from one disaster to the next, only to slow to a near crawl when Alan is threatened by Van Pelt. Then, once the Reset Button takes things back to 1969, it calms down and becomes more about a few soft instruments, showing that everything's going to be OK.
  • The drums—especially the drums that draw in Judy and Peter. The sudden moment where they add in a beat can really make you jump.

Music from the animated series

  • The animated show's intro sounds amazing as it portrays how adventurous and dangerous things can be and get when in Jumanji.
