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Awesome / YuruYuri

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  • Season Two's Pre-Opening sequence: The setting is a giant theater, packed with people who all chant "Akkarin~". The room starts to shake as the curtain opens to reveal a GIANT Akari statue. The audience cheers and waves light sticks as the chest area reveals a hatch, which opens. Onto the statue's hands walks our "protagonist", clad in a bizarre, futuristic empress-like dress complete with flashing lights. "Yuru Yuri's starting again!"
  • Season 2, Episode 7 - Himawari goes to Sakurako for weight loss advice. Sakurako, being who she is, suggests "Doing like they do in manga." Cue a fantasy sequence starring an unusually Badass Adorable Akari, who compliments on her opponent's ability to push her to such a level that she must remove her buns. Once the buns hit the floor, she transforms into a Super Saiyan.
