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Awesome / Wish Carefully

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  • The entire story is an awesome moment for Harry and his friends. They ensured no further fatalities to the Light side and have proven to not just the Death Eaters but the world at large that they were ultimately right. The two downsides in the plan are that they may never be able to rescue the girls kidnapped by the Cabal and that Harry presumably still has a fragment of Voldemort's soul in his head, and even those have a silver lining: after the world learned of the Death Eaters kidnapping powerful young witches, they Net all of Britain, keeping them from taking any more; and since this is after Dumbledore died, Harry still knows of the Horcruxes.
  • Leonidas Malfoy, a descendant of pureblood supremacists and formerly eager supporters of the Dark Lord, smuggles Squib-born children into Muggle orphanages, and nobody really suspects him beyond some vague inklings; even Lucius doesn't believe Leonidas is doing it because it doesn't occur to him his grandson can be Light-aligned.
