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Awesome / Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine II

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  • The announcement trailer for the game. It begins with Thunderhawks descending on a hive world invaded by Tyranids. We then see Astra Militarum guardsmen being attacked by Tyranids, with the Vox Operator exclaiming that the square they are defending is being overrun. Just when hope seems lost, Primaris Marines of the Ultramarines arrive via their Thunderhawks and make a Dynamic Entry that actually causes the Hormagaunts to momentarily back away. The three Ultramarines proceed to annihilate the Hormagaunts and the lead Ultramarine killing the Tyranid Warrior, causing the remaining Hormagaunts to flee. The guardsmen bow in awe of the Emperor's Angels of Death. As the lead Ultramarine surveys the hive, he removes his helmet and reveals to the audience who he is: He is none other than Captain Titus!
    • To go over Titus's battle with the warrior, it looks as if the fight will last for the rest of the trailer's runtime. Not so. Titus locks blades with the Warrior, kneecaps it with his boltpistol, and then beheads it within four seconds total. Titus doesn't want good fights. He wants the Tyranids dead.
    • What is more, when the Ultramarines land on the ground, actually cracking the floor with their impact, by the way, the Hormagaunts actually back up in fear before their Warrior gets them back into order. That is how scary Astartes are, that their arrival on the battlefield can actually momentarily break through the Synaptic Link of the Tyranid Hive and cause the lower-ranked bioforms to revert back to their primal instincts enough to be afraid of these demigods of war.
    • The rank and file Imperial Guardsmen are shown to be losing ground at the beginning of the trailer, but they're retreating in a fairly methodical manner and they're making the Tyranids - possibly the most dangerous lifeform in the entire galaxy - fight for every inch. They may be losing, but just being able to hold the Tyranids off is in and of itself an accomplishment and they're at least trying.
