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Awesome / Tokyo Xanadu

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    Chapter 2 
  • Despite being forcibly dragged into the otherworldly labyrinths, Sora manages to fend the Elder Greed inside, even though she can't hurt it without Soul Devices.

    Chapter 4 
  • In a similar vein to Sora, Shio manages to make a fairly good transition from being thrown into a labyrinth by Akihiro to knocking around an Elder Greed with his bare hands. He also one-ups Sora by not getting knocked out once the party arrives.

    Chapter 5 
  • Asuka manages to one-shot an powerful Elder Greed that stood up to the current party of 5 (Kou, Sora, Yuuki, Shio, Mitsuki).

    Chapter 6 
  • The finale features Mikuriya attempting to escape from XRC after they defeat him and the Grim Greed he was attempting to harness. He get about three steps before Kyouka dropkicks him with her high heel and puts him in a painful-looking armlock. There's a reason that she frightens the Yakuza.

    Final Chapter 
  • The whole chapter is just a long string of awesomes, for both playable characters and NPCs:
    • In Morimiya Shopping District, Shinsuke, Yanagi, and Takahiro manage to hold out long enough against greeds for Kou and Asuka to rescue them.
    • After Kou and Asuka defeated a group of greeds in Brick Alley, another group of greeds appears. Cue Yamaoka cut down a group of them with his crane (which is actually a sword) and Yukino dealt with rest of them with tarot cards.
    • Despite not being able to hurt the greeds with their attack, the Kendo Club and Karate Club members of Morimiya Academy are putting up a Last Stand against all of the Chapter 5 bosses. Then, the white shroud (who is really Jun) appeared, and single-handedly defeated all of them. That's right, white shroud defeat four elder greeds (as there are two malice claws) and one grim greed all by himself.
    • The X.R.C. arrived at Nanahoshi Mall and find the mall was surprisingly unscatched. It then reveals that Tetsuo provided spirit bullets to Togashi and Saburo to defeat all of the greeds in area already.
    • After having to save Sora and Yuuki, and later Mitsuki and Rion from the first two pillars, Shio and Gorou bring in Akihiro and Gotou to wipe out half of the Greed ambushing the party.
    • Akira managed to save a cat while on the run from greeds herself. Wakaba cheered patients in the Morimiya Hospital to hold out against greed long enough for Rion and the rest of X.R.C. to rescue them.
    • The entire sequence where the supporting and minor characters clear the path for the X.R.C. to charge into the Acros Tower.
      • First, Kyoka (along with rest of Angraecums) and Gotou (along with the rest of Takahane group) began the assault with spirit bullets. Kyoka fired an especially impressive bullets that one-shot a seraph.
      • Akihiro and BLAZE then joined the fray, Akihiro cut down a seraph with one hit.
      • When some seraphs showed up on the side of the above group, Jun and Japan Defense Force "Aegis" coming to provide back-ups, what followed is Jun completely annihilated the seraphs around him. Even Asuka and Mitsuki were impressed.
      • When X.R.C. about to started the assault on the Pandora, a group of seraphs appeared from the side and start attack the van they are on. Then a bunch of charms flied out and destroyed these seraphs. It then revealed that Sosuke and Towa (who threw those charms) lead a group of Morimiya Academy personnel (Ryota, Munenori, Saki armed with sword made of sacred wood and Chiaki and Mai armed with spirit gauntlet made by Jihei) to provide support.
      • About half-way mark, the Breed of Twilight, Chapter 7 end boss that was resurrected by the Princess of Doom, materialized in front of van and out of range of attack of all the other attacking group. Enter Mikuriya, who drove an attacking helicopter that was loaded with spirit missile into the battle to fight off the breed.
      • Finally, just before they reached the gate, three Seraph of Darkness appeared to block the gate. Asuka leapt on top of the van and activate her "Omega Drive" mode, then one-shot all three seraphs at once.

    After Story 
  • Asuka attempts to protect Shiori against a possessed Valiant Gear. When she fails, she commands Shiori to run, only to find herself getting helped to her feet.
    "No, if we go, we go together. I don't want you or Kou to worry about me anymore... I need to stand up for myself!"
