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Awesome / The Fall of Lord Frieza

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  • Cooler vs Trunks. After a long battle, Cooler wins against the Super Saiyan, taking out kaio-ken x20 powered Krillin, Tien, and Yamcha to boot, succeeding where his brother and father failed. Kind of ruined by Goku showing up right before Cooler strikes down Trunks.
    • Notably, he still nearly kills Goku with his Supernova, as in Movie 5, despite Goku being in perfect condition and Cooler being severely worn out from his fight with Trunks. Considering how both his father and brother were effortlessly dispatched by one Super Saiyan in canon, nearly beating two alone is very admirable indeed.
  • Frieza's ascension to his fifth form.
  • Several chapters later, Frieza and Goku have a rematch on earth. In the end, after a very lengthy battle Frieza manages to win this time.
  • Super Perfect Cell vs Gohan: Failing to deliver the No-Holds-Barred Beatdown he gave Gohan in canon, Cell instead combines the Kamehameha with Cooler's Supernova to form a Nova Kamehama which Gohan counters with a Super Kamehameha of his own with Goku's guidance, leading to a Beam-O-War between the two. At Slak's request, Piccolo fuses with him, then proceeds to do what Vegeta did in canon, distracting Cell long enough for Gohan to finish him off.
  • Frieza's ascension into his sixth form, as well as showcasing his forms to possessed Goku.
  • Frieza exacting revenge on King Cold for brutally beating and killing his mother making him as utterly helpless as Frieza`s mother was not even Cold transforming to his fourth final form could do anything to stop Freiza .
