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Awesome / Flowers Of Etrea

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  • Sislo and Tetheril effortlessly beating down a bunch of rude Druden soldiers trying to evict a helpless citizen.

  • Sislo vs. Zama. With an axe and sword in hand, the former lights his own weapons on fire, and proceeds to dominate the fight despite being smaller and supposedly weaker than his brother. All while calling him out on becoming so reliant on the Iron Industry and his addiction to flesh. It ends with him simply ducking as Zama impales himself on broken wood.

  • Greiri and Ovar tearing their way through Druden guards after the former accidentally frees the latter. Soon, they're able to reunite with Tetheril by bashing the heads of the watchmen harassing her.

  • In Onxiox's own words, Sislo and Tetheril's arrival has caused his grip on the land to somewhat slip. As the final frame of part one demonstrates alongside his words, they are bringing color back into the world. And all because they wanted to find a flower.

  • After learning of the Awful Truth regarding Sislo's collusion with the Iron Industry, Tetheril completely averts the typical outcome of the Liar Revealed trope (i.e. leaving him for what he's done), and gives him the chance to show that he's changed. Words cannot describe the kind of faith and devotion this woman has to her husband.

  • Sislo having his Heel Realization in the flashback upon being tasked with killing innocent dryad citizens, and openly defying the villains he had worked with for so long. Sure it ended with him being tossed aside and mauled by Zama, but it kickstarted the events that would lead him to true happiness.

  • After it's made clear that Tetheril loves him for the man he is now instead of the monster he was before, Sislo decides that there's only one way he can truly heal: TAKE THE IRON INDUSTRY DOWN. And his wife and friends are with him every step of the way.

  • As terrifying and awful as it is, seeing Sislo cut loose and tear his way through Ondiox's men before going toe-to-toe with the guy is somewhat cathartic after all they put him through.
    • But what's even better is Tetheril putting a stop to it herself, ensnaring Ondiox with her vines and tossing him away while bringing Sislo back to his senses with a hug. She even takes a bite from him before he comes to (then again, not the first time apparently).

  • Sislo sacrificing his left arm to protect Tetheril from Zama's sword.

  • The part where Tetheril and Chela confront each other demonstrates exactly why the former shouldn't be underestimated just for being a pacifist.
    • Even during the beginning, Tetheril isn't exactly helpless. The first thing she does when Chela gets close is headbutt her to the ground. When the witch summons a giant spider after getting into her head, she summons vines to destroy it and retort that spiders are harmless despite her own arachnophobia.
    • When Chela seems to gain the upper hand by summoning a visage of Sislo and gouging her eyes out with it, she seems to have her dead to rights with a scythe-like blade arm to cut her head off. Tetheril refuses to show fear...and then a visage of her parents/anscestors appears pointing a finger at her, prompting her to grow antlers, regain her eyes, and send Chela flying backwards. The full power of a dryad in tune with wild magic is on full display now.
    Chela: Hehe, that had some bite. I want more of that power, Tetheril!
    Tetheril: No...I do not think you do. Chela, you are wrong about nature. Nature is indeed wild, but it is not chaos. There is a natural order to all things..every precious life contributes to a greater ecosystem. You may exploit and you may destroy, but life will find a way to sort itself out. So, as a healer, allow me to show nature remedies itself of diseases like you!
    Tetheril: As for who or what you are...YOU ARE COMPOST, BITCH!
    • Cue a huge venus fly trap clamping down on Chela and reducing her to purple giblets.
    • Even better, Tetheril's new powers enable her to grow tons of roses afterward. She decides to let them be until she can be certain that her Sislo is safe.

  • Ovar ambushing Zama when Gobby and Flint's mech gets wrecked by him. While he gets knocked into a wall for his trouble, he manages to tear off the bandages on the bigger monster's face. And after that, Greiri steps up to bat.
    Greiri: You should not play with your food, will find that we have a bite of our own.
    • Even when pinned by Zama's sword, Greiri doesn't back down, knowing that her husband's armor will protect her. And it does.
    • Ovar, Gobby, and Flint rushing in to help. Flint shoots a harmless bullet in the side of Zama's face, Ovar gleefully slams his mallet onto the Cherufe's foot, while Gobby gives the freed Greiri a device...that turns out to be a retractable greatsword that goes right through Zama! Greiri then uses Ovar's mallet to slam the sword so that it slices through the rest of Zama's body, ending his life.

  • The true final fight between Sislo's group and Ondiox is full of awesome moments.
    • Tetheril starts it by preventing Ondiox from killing Sislo for his perceived insolence. The rest of the group show up behind the Iron Lord.
    • A villainous example, but Ondiox demonstrates why he's the one in charge by effectively curb-stomping Sislo's friends (who, to their credit, knew they would not win, but simply wanted to buy Tetheril time to heal Sislo). He shoots Flint in the eye, then Gobby in the abdomen (both cases are non-fatal, thankfully), and bloodily knocks ovar away with his cane. Greiri lasts longer than any of them, actually managing to scar Ondiox's face before he grabs her face and caves it in. And he timed all of it. One minute and fifteen seconds.
    • Greiri's efforts actually win her a compliment from Ondiox, with him saying her people would be proud if they weren't dead by his command.
    • When Ondiox taunts Tetheril (and everyone else) for wasting her time and effort on Sislo instead of retreating to her own life, she wastes no time retorting that her husband killed the monster the Iron Lord made. And JUST when Ondiox prepares to kill Tetheril...Sislo...well...
    • Ascended Sislo. His awakening creates a pillar of fire that wows his friends, breaks Ondiox's glasses and weapon, and protects Tetheril as he grows a pair of fiery wings on top of the flames erupting from his mouth. Even Ondiox admits that now the Cherufe stands a chance against him.
    • Tetheril's words of encouragement to Sislo before the true final fight:
    Sislo...wild fires burn away the rot...allowing new life to blossom where there was only death. Sislo...let us make a garden from their ashes.
    Ondiox: Mrs. Haeos, you best attend to your friends. Prolong their misery as I deal with your husband. I will reunite you all in execution. Buy my decree, for my will is iron.
    Sislo: ...and your jaw is glass.
    • He then slams Ondiox through the floor of the building they're on top, and they go through every floor, killing Druden soldiers along the way.
    Remember what I told you? DON'T YOU FUCKING TALK TO MY WIFE!
    • Ondiox tries monologuing again about how HE tamed the world with his will of iron, but Sislo calmly shuts him up again by saying that his iron will has a melting point, and he proceeds to rip off the hand containting his wedding ring.
    • After they trade more blows, Ondiox isn't finished trying to goad Sislo into losing himself again. One more Shut Up, Hannibal! moment for the memories, eh?
    Ondiox: What would you be without me!?
    Sislo: Time to find out.
    • Cue Sislo unleashing a MASSIVE beam of fire from his mouth that consumes Ondiox, leaving him on the verge of fading to ash, but not before allowing him to speak and try to convince Sislo to finish him off. Sislo refuses, because A, he doesn't eat burned meat, and B, he killed his former master/father to protect his family, not anything related to vengeance.
    Ondiox: When that fire runs wild...what will you do?
    Sislo:...I'll figure it out.
    • Sislo then punches Ondiox's head, which crumples into ash and dust. The battle is won.

  • After spending the whole story sure that her future is forfeit whether or not she achieves her revenge, Greiri decides to repurpose Zama's sword so that it will help her protect her new family. AKA, Sislo and his friends.

  • Sislo and his friends may have earned their happy ending, but the Cherufe decides that his job isn't finished yet. Even with the Iron Industry dismantled, he feels he still has to atone for what he started. Thus, he and his True Companions will go out and help those who had once helped oppress. And the Adventure Continues...
