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Awesome / Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel

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Heaven's Feel I. Presage Flower

  • Saber's complete decimation of Rider, taking her down in one blow. Further props for her still being injured from the fight with Berserker and weakened from her diminished bond with Shirou.
    • Rider later on proves her worth as a fighter by completely owning True Assassin, ending with her hooking him with her chains and swinging him through the building.
  • Shirou (who's currently very pissed with Shinji) actually making Rin nervous as she's berating him just by marching straight for her. Sure, it's not as in-your-face as a Servant fight, but it does show how intimidating Shirou can be when he isn't being a Nice Guy.
  • Both sides of the Lancer vs True Assassin fight get credit. Lancer dominates the entire fight showing just how powerful he is while Assassin plays decoy and lures Lancer right into the arms of The Shadow.
  • The moment where Shirou swings his improvised weapon down and wipes out Zouken's worms.
  • Shirou confronting Shinji about his abuse of Sakura.

Heaven's Feel II. Lost Butterfly

  • Shirou saving Sakura from Shinji after she's kidnapped by him at knifepoint, with subtle assistance from Rider.
  • Shirou punching Shinji right in the face.
  • Rin and Archer bursting through the window and seemingly one-shoted Rider. The camera focuses on Rin's face when she enters. Ladies and gentlemen: This is the Tohsaka Rin in Sakura's eyes: Determined, strong, beautiful, her superhero. Sakura always had this hero-worship for her sister and thinks that she is perfect. When we see Rin from Sakura's angle, it is not difficulty understand why. Double as Tear Jerker, as this also leads to all sort of angst between sisters in the latter half of the story.
  • Rider herself gets another moment to shine, showcasing how dangerous she can truly be when under the control of a competent Master, nearly taking out Shirou, Rin and Archer at once with her trademark Mystic Eyes of Petrification alone.
  • The fight between Berserker and Saber Alter in the second movie is effectively Saber taking revenge for always getting beaten up at the beginning of every route. She completely dominates him throughout the fight, the few solid blows he lands serving only to demonstrate how insanely durable Alter is now. Even God Hand serves to do nothing but delay the inevitable.
    • Give credit to Berserker, though; God Hand keeps reviving the hero and he does everything in his power to try and kill the corrupted Servant, whether its using his sword, his fists, his legs or even sections of Illya's castle. Being killed over and over doesn't dissuade him in the slightest, only stopping when he finally runs out of lives. The music soundtracks as both Servants do battle with one another is epic and chillingly haunting, capturing the hope of the Greek Hero trying to overcome the darkened Arthurian legend, only to realize that his efforts are for naught, ending with a point-blank Excalibur Morgan to the face. And despite all of that, Berserker actually survives this. He's last seen struggling weakly as he sinks into the black mud.
    • In a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment towards the end of the fight, as Berserker revives yet another time and roars in Saber Alter's face, you can see her visibly hesitate bringing her sword to bear against him. However ludicrously strong and twisted she may have become, Berserker made her feel an inkling of fear against an opponent greatly inferior to herself.
  • Archer. He dominates Assassin in both ranged and close-combat, tanks strikes from the Shadow - the born Servant-killer who erodes heroes on touch - and still fights just as effectively as before to the point of blinding and incapacitating Assassin, and even after getting skewered by the Shadow after saving Rin's life, still manages to say his iconic chant, save Shirou, Rin, and Illya from the Shadow's massive explosion with Rho Aias, and survive long enough to transplant his arm to a bleeding out Shirou, because despite all of his grievances, he is a hero, and he won't let two people die if only one has to. He definitely gave Shirou something to keep up with.
  • The Shadow-possessed Sakura taking down Gilgamesh. Golden Boy tries his usual Storm of Blades and appears to have killed her, walking over to inspect his deed. Suddenly, his leg is ripped off and absorbed by a puddle of darkness. He turns back just in time to see The Shadow begin healing Sakura. He tries again, only to have The Shadow possess some of his blades and use them to deflect the rest note  , ending with it fully manifesting and swallowing him whole.
    • Gilgamesh's Oh, Crap! moment just as he's about to be swallowed up by The Shadow gives an idea of how powerful she truly is. In the original anime note , he takes his defeat by Saber's hands gracefully, in Unlimited Blade Works, Berserker gave him a light Jump Scare before he dies, while Shirou makes him go through a Villainous Breakdown in their final battle before Archer kills him in one shot. In Heaven's Feel, Sakura made Gilgamesh feel actual fear.
  • Sakura standing up to Shinji and finally telling him no, she will not submit to his sexual advances anymore. As Shinji loses his mind and tries to proceed with the rape anyway, even threatening to tell Shirou about her past sexual assaults at his hand, Sakura finally snaps and has the Shadow kill him.

Heaven's Feel III. Spring Song

  • As a human being against a Servant, Kirei should be way out of his league, but he downright seems to be BORED when trading blows with True Assassin in the church.
    • He does not bat an eyelid when a dagger comes mere millimetres from his eyeball, he even TAKES the time to remember his nature as a devious human being, which spurred him to take part in the Fourth Grail War.
    • Then, as True Assassin goes for the kill, he displays emotion for the first time, HAPPINESS at the Batman Gambit that is about to unfold.
    • He tanks True Assassin's Zabaniya, and in one swift motion pins True Assassin with the Black Keys and rushes to Zouken for the kill with perfect efficiency. True Assassin is outright dejected at his mistake and at being utterly Outgambitted by a HUMAN.
    • And then he proceeds to exorcise Zouken to death with a Facepalm of Doom and the recitation of the Baptismal Rite. "Kyrie eleison" indeed.
  • Shirou going all out and removing the seal on Archer's arm to face the blackened Berserker on his own.
    • First he goes to overcome the tremendous stress of the process, urged to go on by Archer's Dare to Be Badass.
    Archer: Can you keep up with me?
    Shirou: "Can you keep up with me?", my ass. Right back at you! You're the one who's gotta keep up with me!
    • Then, he proceeds to read the full history of Herakles as a hero, including the full Twelve Labors... to extract the well-known technique from the Axe Sword: Nine Lives Blade Works! He literally RIPS through Berserker and most of the clearing behind him.
    • Herakles for managing to stop himself from killing Shirou by powering through the above onslaught without even slowing down his attack the moment he saw Illya come out of hiding, dispelling the Shadow's influence over him as he tells Shirou to protect Illya in his stead with the same stoic, powerful gaze as always in his eyes, now completely unclouded by madness.
    • Saber Alter then lampshades the awesome moment as she is forced to go back to tend to Sakura... who now collapsed after taking in Berserker's soul. That's right, Saber acknowledges that Shirou earned this victory and deserved to rescue Ilya.
  • After Dark Sakura confirms in no uncertain terms that, as the avatar of Aŋra Mainiiu, Kirei's heart is LITERALLY in her hands, the man still has enough Brass Balls and Nerves of Steel to tell her to her face that she is still the same Matou Sakura lying to herself, and that he let her live so that she would birth All The Evils in the World, while not caring at all about the pain involved in the process for her. Granted, it doesn't go that well given she crushes his heart in a fit of rage, but it nearly counts as facing death with dignity.
  • A cathartic moment as Dark Sakura turns the tables on Zouken and rips him from her own heart without batting an eyelid. She goes on to elaborate that she has always been observing him, to understand how he had so much control on her.
  • Saber Alter vs Rider and Shirou. Awesome for everyone involved on the good guys' side :
    • Shirou for managing to rein in his usual impulse to go and help, and sticking to the plan: wait for an opening, and spawn Rho Aias to protect Rider.
    • Rider for tangling with Saber Alter and arguably performing far better than Berserker. Also, since Saber's mana resistance is reduced, petrification now works somewhat on her. But the clincher? Saber is visibly wondering WHY Shirou is not attacking, to which Rider teasingly replies he won't move, because Shirou trusts her. And she proceeds to RUB IT IN that she has a deeper bond of trust with Shirou than Saber ever had. This succeeds in getting a rise out of Saber Alter.
    • Even more, the petrification hit Saber Alter with a great reduction in agility, forcing her to spend the whole fight on the defensive, barely able to follow Rider's movements. This is a perfect plan, perfectly executed.
    • The final clash, which has Rider busting out Bellerophon and Saber Alter unleashing the darkened Excalibur. In the Fate route, the Excalibur, used by the original Saber, annihilated Rider and her Pegasus both. But here, Shirou's Rho Aias allows Rider to break through it and take Alter down.
  • Rin bringing out her copy of the Jeweled Sword Zelretch against Sakura and utterly wrecking her shadow minions with it. Sakura understandably becomes flabbergasted that Rin caught up with her so casually, and starts her Villainous Breakdown.
    • It should be said that Tokiomi's statement to Kariya back in Fate/Zero was prophetic: he foresaw the two sisters reaching the peak of their craft, and duking it out. He was quite wrong about the reasons that would push them to fight, but the rest was spot on, and he would have been proud.
    • This leads to a moment that mixes awesome with heartwarming. Tokiomi hoped that their "inevitable" fight would result in one overcoming and killing the other, with one being hailed as a great mage and the other as capable rival. But their bond as sisters meant that they would NEVER truly seek to kill one another. Instead they turn away from the path of mages and embrace their humanity.
  • After Rin restored Sakura's sanity somewhat, Sakura has a My God, What Have I Done? moment, and Shirou rushes to save her, but the nearly manifested Avenger isn't going to have it that way. It uses anything from Combat Tentacles to collapsing the room, but Shirou still powers on and readies Rule Breaker to free Sakura.
    • At this point, Shirou's brain was literally breaking down, so major props for him for realizing it was possible in the first place. You can see the realization dawn in his eyes when Illya points out that no matter how twisted he is, Avenger is still a Servant with Sakura as her Master, both bound by a contract.
  • We finally have the famous Shirou vs. Kirei fight, and it's exactly as glorious as the original.
  • Illya's Heroic Sacrifice. Not only does she shut down the Greater Grail, save her brother's soul using a watered down version of the Third Magic, and reunite with her mother in death, but she was able to choose her fate. Due to the Einzbern's experimenting on her body, her lifespan was shortened. In the aftermath of the Fate Route, Illya would die sometime after the war, and in Unlimited Blade Works she died because Gilgamesh tore out her heart. Here, Illya gets to choose her death and ensures the happiness of her brother and his friends by doing so.
