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Awesome / Eleutherophobia

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The Day the Earth Stood Still

  • The fic begins with Tom sparing himself by the adaptation. He's seconds away from death when he gets his agency back, but he morphs into a cobra on instinct. From there, he kills Essa 412 in revenge, then tries (but fails) to help Rachel by biting some of the morph-controllers. Then he falls out of the Blade Ship, and frantically double-morphs from snake to human to eagle in a matter of seconds to slow himself down.

Ghost in the Shell

  • Tom is losing his fight against Margaret, when Tobias swoops in to save him. Even though her condor morph is several times the size of a red-tailed hawk, he's still able to hold his ground.

The Thing from Another World

  • It turns out that Alloran heard Jake and Tobias' mirrorwave message and arrives to save the Animorphs. When the the Air Force try to get him to leave, he morphs into the Squishy Tar Beast from #39 and warns them that he'd do anything to protect the children he owes his life to.

How I Live Now

  • When the Animorphs raid the hacienda, Rachel plays along with the controllers and pretends to be Efflit, only to drop all pretences when she morphs into an elephant and loudly announces that she was freed. Later, a controller grabs cobra-Tom around the neck and almost strangles him to death, but Jake saves Tom by breaking that controller's arm.
