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Awesome / Egyxos

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  • Episode 1 "The Last Pharaoh", Professor Kirby (actually Ramses) and the disguised Anubi's fistfight atop the rooftops of Leo's neighborhood. True it's rather tame, but the pair still showed some impressive acrobatic skills.
  • The all-out battle at the end of episode 2. With Horus and Ramses distracted, Leo is left at the mercy of Exaton. That is, until a beam of light falls down from the sky. And when the dust settles Kefer steps forward to fight Exaton, nice entrance.
    Kefer: I am Kefer, the Pharaoh of the Golden Army. Welcome to my kingdom.
    • Leo stepping up after Horus gets hurt trying to protect him. Seeing Horus hurt gives Leo the conviction to activate his armor for the first time.
  • Episode 8 "The Seal of Sekhmet", Leo destroying Sekhmet's Mind Control device.
    Leo: Your career as a puppet master is finished Sekhmet!
  • Episode 10, Leo, Kefer and Hyksos using Ramses shapeshifting ability to trick Exaton into thinking they'd already rescued Astrid.
  • Episode 12, Leo using the sulfur in the caves and what he'd learned in his chemistry class to create a fire big enough to send the Titans back underground.
  • Episode 16 "The Giants of Sand", Leo instructing Apis and Hyksos to use their fire magic on Exaton's army of Sand Giants. Then combining the power of the Gem of Light to amplify their magic and completely destroy the giants.
  • Episode 17, Leo not only breaking free of Shu. But also tricking him into standing in an unstable portal and getting himself cut in half and destroyed.
  • Episode 18, Kefer and Exaton's fight while still in each other's bodies near the end of the episode.
    Kefer: Time for the final showdown Exaton.
    Exaton: Well said Kefer.
  • Episode 19, Queen Bastet, when she finds Exaton, and she manages to defeat him. The only thing that stopped her from delivering the fatal blow was Leo talking her out of it. Bastet does spare Exaton, but warns him that she won't next time. As Leo put it:
  • Episode 20, when Captain Sid Cooper realizes Kefer is outnumbered by Exaton and his troops, he fires off several of the missiles from his plane at the Dark Army before taking off towards the rift.
  • Episode 25, Leo recruiting a flock of dragons to help the Golden Army. He does so by getting into a battle of wills with the alpha dragon. Winning by being able to stay on its back whilst it tried to shake him off, bucking bronco style. Leo wins and he and the alpha dragon led the others to Egyxos city in time to save it from Exaton's men. Leo and his new dragon friends then confront Exaton personally.
  • Episode 26, Ra's Big Damn Heroes moment when he arrives at the battlefield and proceeds to de-power Exaton.
    Ra: Today, no one will fall!
    • Leo awakening Ra beforehand.
