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Awesome / Camp Counselor Jason

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  • In the Carrie crossover Pamela Voorhees, upon seeing Carrie's abuse at the hands of Margaret White first hand (and being reminded of her abusive husband Elias), tells Jason to take the poor girl outside to their car and decides to have a little "talk" with her mother alone....
    Margaret White: YOU GODLESS SHE-DEVIL! You've damned my child to Hell with your wicked spawn!!
    Pamela Voorhees: (pulls out a switchblade) I am also a woman of faith, Ms. White. However, I have my own beliefs on what are the worst sins.
    (Pamela stabs Margaret's hand to a beam)
    Margaret: AHHH!!!
    Pamela: Laying a fearful hand on your own precious child is the worst of the them. And so... you should say your last prayers.
