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Awesome / BikdipOnABus

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  • The end of his Pokemon Fire Red Omega LP. It features a fully custom, sprite animation made in MS Paint. Aside from being funny, it's also a Shout-Out to Kid Radd that wraps up the stories of the game's characters.
  • His Metroid Prime 23% run. He beats the Omega Pirate, usually considered to be the hardest boss in the game on his first try. Bear in mind he has very little health, next to no ammunition, and no charge beam. Wow.
  • Beating the 12-headed Gleeok in Bikdip's Adventure with only 3 hearts.
  • After being fed up with the vast amount of Tentacool in the water in Pokemon Emerald, he says that he hopes he never sees one again. He then proceeds to say how the game is then going to give him a shiny Tentacool just to spite him. Guess what he finds minutes later?
  • A couple moments in Super Mario Sunshine coinless, like one moment where he goes through a level made entirely of water and getting the Shine just before death.
  • Due to the difficulty of several sections in the hack, a couple of moments in Kaizo Mario 64 are this.
  • Part 65 of his Majora's Mask Let's Play.
  • He manages to complete the Red Coin Fish in Super Mario Sunshine on his seventh try without coins, when he thought it would take hours. To this day, Bikdiponabus sees it as one of his best moments.
  • Bikdip Rage, a parody of Brooklyn Rage is a song that he wrote and sang for the final segment of his Bikdip's Adventure playthrough, and it is simultaneously hilarious and awesome. Check it out here.
  • Easily beating the final boss of Banjo Kazoie. On a low% run. Which he has never done before. On the first try.
