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Awesome / Awful Hospital

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What tends to happen when you threaten Fern's baby.

As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked. You Have Been Warned.

  • Fern's Establishing Character Moment, demonstrating to Dr. Phage just how important her son is to her. It sends the doctor scuttling out of the room to fetch his muscle.
  • Fern taking down Mother Pissrock.
  • Fern fighting off Double Doors' mental influence with the Voices' help, and beating it gloriously with a yellow sticky pad.
  • Celia and Fern successfully deploying teamwork and ingenuity to make a giant, predatory moldsucker into a bridge.
  • Celia's 'burgling' the Baby Heads Worm:
    Gripped by a sudden, unnatural vigor for thievery, Celia burgles the Baby Heads Worm beyond all reasonable definitions of the concept. This is no plebeian street mugging. This is a poetic masterpiece of involuntary asset transference. Across the boundaries of time and space, every illicit redistributor of unprotected goods sheds a single, tiny tear. They do not know why.
  • Fern adapting to the combat system within the Inert Vessel, until she's killing worms like a pro.
  • After Dr. Phage revealed himself as a Not-So-Harmless Villain, then directly addressed the Commentators, claiming they were 'only poisoning [Fern,]' the Commentators had a lot of impressive responses.
  • The magical creation of Diptworth.
  • Diptworth's astounding moment of heroism: rafting down a waterfall in order to get a hungry set of worms to consume him.
  • You'd probably never have suspected this of him, but it turns out Rube Goldberg hates the guts of two particularly pernicious worms. Go figure.
  • Maggie, Staph, and Celia leaping into action when Fern is attacked by the anomaly.
  • Pose as a team, because shit just got real.
  • Staph, Maggie, and Celia's Steven Universe esque fusion
  • It's good of Fern that's she so supportive and empowering towards her friends.
  • When Fern was fighting the Jayslob, the odds looks bleak when he cut her HP to one. But not only did she pull through, it was her Kidney Stone kid that ended the monster's life in its debut battle.
  • Doctor Man is healthier than expected.
    • Even though for the sake of the narrative it had to end in a Heads I Win, Tails You Lose scenario, Dr. Man did admit that Fern won their battle, and only incapacitated her to warn her of her increasingly rash actions. Bogleech even admits that he was not expecting the commentators to actually be able to win such a battle and planned it to be a Hopeless Boss Fight.
