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Live Blogs Valiona's Liveblog of The End of Ends
Valiona2015-09-06 11:45:45

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Chapter 7: Planet of the Mary Sues

The heroes ask Copy Cat about his home and the Light Prognosticus, and he's happy to answer their questions; exposition seems to be what he does best here. Meanwhile, a very low-quality version of the Ice Country music from Secret of Mana is playing; it was a decent track in the game, but the rendition here is somewhat painful to hear. Psyconia is a paradise of a planet that somehow doesn't orbit a star and is warmed by the heat from inside the core. Its residents all have various abilities, and Copy Cat, their prince, possesses all of them, making him quite the Gary Stu.

It also explains Copy Cat's Power Copying ability; by touching someone, he can take on their appearance and powers, but he can only do this with one human at a time- no spirits, robots or undead. In his normal form, he can also fly, read minds. All this makes him quite powerful, but while he can defeat the minions, he's no match for Count Logan himself, who killed his parents.

That's where the Light Prognosticus, the only tome able to match the dark one, comes in. Unfortunately, neither Copy Cat nor his parents could understand it, so when the latter pair went through a Void portal to Castle Logan, the laser defenses shot their ship down, killing them. Their deaths inspired Copy Cat to seek revenge on Count Logan, but also revealed what the heroes are up against.

The heroes agree to join Copy Cat on his quest for vengeance, but they're faced with the problem of figuring out how to use the Light Prognosticus. They do know their goal- destroy the Dark Prognosticus' user, as well as rescue Terra- and that they're running out of time.

Count Logan sleeps, having Bad Dreams about his rejection by Terra, and believes he's nearing his limit. He asks if there's some way for the Dark Prognosticus to take away his pain without destroying the world, but finds nothing. Kamica comes in to check on him, and he rededicates himself to his task, knowing that there's no time for remorse with the heroes closing in to rescue Terra and save the universe.

Next Installment: The heroes launch an attack on Count Logan.

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