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Live Blogs The War On The Prayer Warriors
Valiona2015-04-29 21:45:50

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TOSC Chapter 9: Hypocrisy 101 With Percy Jackson

Written By: Thomas
POV: Third person
Chapter Number: 6

The author decides to go back to his original username so that he can honor Jesus.

Percy reaches the "town" of Moscow, and goes to find the Christian leaders, who are in hiding because John Lennon burns Christians alive, and built a coliseum to force Christians to fight to the death. He thus needs the church leaders' help to stop all this and re-enthrone the Tsar, whom he describes as kind to his people.

Percy begins a long spiel about how he intends to put an end to the belief in evolution and the Roman gods. He says that he wants to end persecution of Christians by atheists by making a government composed only of Christians. Percy says that the coliseum is not only a means of forcing Christians to fight each other, but also an attempt to make the world the way it was back in the time of the Roman empire (which might explain all the Roman influences in Russia), and believes that just as when Rome became the Holy Roman Empire, it banned the games, the coliseum games will end once the Tsar assumes control..

In an even more stunning display of hypocrisy, Percy claims that it is only a sin to kill a Christian, and that Atheists are demons in disguise, and will punish them for making Christians fight in the coliseum by having them fight amongst themselves, so they learn the pain of fighting a loved one.

Percy declares that he will bring the churches back to Moscow, and just like Israel rebelled against the evil witch(I'm not sure when this happened), they will display JL's body to prove that "Ego vere fidelis in cuniculis" before exiling the atheists to "Suburbia," a less terrible fate than going to Siberia.

The "head breast" is quite impressed, and repeats Jerry's spech from the very beginning about what to do with atheists. They then have red wine, break bread, say prayers, read the Bible and go to bed; it seems the Prayer Warriors' routines are quite boring when they're not killing people.

Next Installment: Jerry's group reaches Moscow, but runs into some trouble.

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