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Live Blogs The War On The Prayer Warriors
Valiona2016-04-23 19:36:13

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AotS Chapter 12: Black Prayer Warriors Matter

Written By: Thomas
POV: Third Person.

The author helpfully explains that this chapter shows how Carter got kidnapped.

Carter, while considering going to Galilee, encounters a girl named Sofia on the road, who has apparently gotten lost and separated from her parents in one of the worst possible places in all civilization. Thankfully, Carter's there to help, and he finds her parents at a police station, enabling Sofia to return to New York and start her journey as a Pokémon trainer, which will be told in An Unseen Caper.

Carter goes to the other police officers for help, but he's suddenly ambushed and kidnapped, revealing it to be a trap (although since Sofia and her family are most likely Christians, I have to wonder why the police let them go). The police officer from earlier declares that he plans to turn Carter over to the Islamic State, gleefuly saying, "I hope they crucify you, you motherfucking black cunt," easily becoming just as racist and vulgar as William was when they first met Carter. In a reversal of Carter's first encounter with William, the officers throw him in a battered red van as he tries in vain to resist and drives off with him.

Since Carter has been captured, just like Draco and Sansa have been, both AoTS and TSB are now leaving off with cliffhangers, but for now, the author has turned his attention to An Unseen Caper.

Next Installment: Sofia's journey begins.

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