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Valiona2014-08-28 09:21:40

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Chapter 4, Part 2/3: Reconciliation

At night, while Aang and Sokka argue about whether Aang sucks at making a fire (I'll be surprised if the author remembers Aang can firebend), Zuko stares off into space. When questioned by Sokka, he reveals that he's decided to go see Azula tomorrow. Sokka says that he has something to say to Zuko as well, and that it's great that he's decided to do so; one would think the sentences are in the opposite order.

Zuko approves of Sokka and Azula being together, seeing Sokka as his best friend for years, and noticing that Azula has changed. Zuko also brings up his relationship with Katara, and says that while there are long odds against their relationships, they shouldn't get in the way of true love.

One thing I'd like to point out at this point is that Zutara, the supposed main couple of this fic, has been falling Out of Focus compared to the Beta Couple that I might call "Sokkazula" and even Taang, the couple that was seemingly formed as an afterthought. Even after reading the fic for so long, I can't understand why the author would do this.

Several shots of the moonlit sky above the Bei Fong estate are shown, coupled with yet another lengthy monologue, this time by Toph. She went to an opera with the girls (I thought Toph didn't like very cultured events like that) to celebrate her engagement, but her mind was on Aang the entire time. She then dreamed about flying by herself, rather than with Aang, and woke up wanting him, and hoping to give him all of her.

Aang then enters Toph's room, noticing that Toph's "earth sight" is getting sharper every day, and Toph says she knows when Aang is coming. It should be pointed out that even though he's grown a lot over the last three years, his head has not, resulting in his body being out of proportion.

Toph tells Aang about her dreams, and essentially says that she's ready to have sex with Aang, reassuring him that he's ready. I wonder if the fact that Aang doesn't think Toph's ready for this says more about the fic's version of Toph or the fic's version of Aang.

They then get to having sex, with Toph feeling what she did in the dream and Aang's tattoos glowing, as if he's assuming the Avatar state; one would think Toph would find herself in trouble at that point, since while she's the strongest bender in the Gaang, she doesn't seem to be a match for Avatar State Aang.

Toph goes on another monologue about how Aang wants to go to the ground rather than soar the heavens, and how she wants to be up there, a feeling she gets when she's having sex with Aang.

The next day, Azula has a picnic with Iroh, similar to the one she had with Katara the previous day, earlier this chapter, talking about Zuko. Apparently, eight months have passed since Azula arrive, and she still hasn't met with Zuko- one would think that the Fire Nation would run into trouble with its ruler gone for so long. Iroh reassures her that these things take time, although Azula considers the possibility of Zuko hating her after everything she's done, but hopes never to lose Iroh, like she once did. Iroh reassures her that he's there for her, and he's proud of her. Azula thanks Iroh and hopes Zuko can see it, at which point Iroh points out Zuko, and leaves them alone.

Azula starts to stammer out an apology, but Zuko says she doesn't need to say anything, knowing that he understands how Azula feels, and how scared she was of him hating her. He says that she's a completely different person now, a person who has captured the heart of the prince of the Water Tribe, and that he's proud of her. He says that he wants to start over with Azula, among the only family he has left, and she tearfully accepts.

Iroh points out that Azula isn't the only remaining relative for Zuko, and Ursa then shows up out of the blue, with no explanation given for why she was gone so long. Apparently, even Zuko, who planned to meet with Azula and is implied to have discussed it with Iroh, is surprised at this turn of events. The Search made it clear that she wouldn't just show up, but to be fair, it wasn't released at the time.

Ursa greets Zuko first, which is a fairly bad sign. She apologizes for how long it took to meet up with Zuko, vaguely saying that she "had to be sure everything was as it is," but she's glad to see Zuko again, and is proud that he grew up into the beautiful prince she thought he would be, while never forgetting who he was. She regrets that he got a scar, but is glad that he has the wisdom to be the Fire Lord the world needs.

Ursa then turns to Azula, her "precious incarnation," and Azula remembers Ursa as her mother from her dreams. She says she's glad for how Azula has changed, and that she and Zuko are getting along now. In the process, she confirms one of the old Azula's worst fears- that her mother thought she was a monster. Apparently, we're meant to accept the reunion as heartwarming, but it doesn't reflect well on Ursa.

The chapter ends with Ursa and her children embracing, while Zuko monologues about his family being together again.

This part was relatively short, but the next one will be fairly long, showing the climactic confrontation with Mai and Sho.

What I liked

  • The amusingly bad artwork for Aang.

What I didn't like

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