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Live Blogs Mass Effect 3. Let's play it!
KilgoreTrout2013-07-03 00:54:36

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Here I am at Grissom Academy, and I'm taking EDI and Liara along with me for this mission. EDI because I'll be interested in seeing Jack's reaction to the new body and since they sort of know one another, and Liara to see if she is at all jealous upon seeing me and Jack reunite.

Shepard tells Sanders that Anderson is alive and leading the resistance on Earth. I would have said that he was alive last I saw him, but whatever, if you think giving the lady false hope is a good idea, go ahead.

Wow, Cerberus Kicking The Dog, which could perhaps be considered ironic. Well, maybe not, since "dog eat dog" is a saying after all. But anyway, through the window I see Cerberus assholes literally dragging a student away by the leg as he screams. I wonder if I can shoot through the glass here...

No. Damn it.

I find an unsigned datapad on a desk, but it's a good bet that this was written by Jack. She has apparently become a Mama Bear. Combine that with her exisiting hostility towards Cerberus and whoa boy, did you guys pick the wrong place to raid and try to steal students from!

I cannot wait to kill this Cerberus shithead on the PA. Shut the hell up!

So, um, Jack punched me and then kissed me, and even though I hate Double Standard: Abuse, Female on Male, I am strangely not bothered by this too much. Plus, why the hell didn't I stay in touch with her? Even if I were locked up—which I was not—I could've at least called at some point during those six months, right?

Heh, Jack mentioned her being the one to create the biotic barrier against the seeker swarms. Nice to see the game keeping track of even the little things, continuity-wise.

This is ominous. I found a datapad, Cerberus apparently, saying that somebody was a good candidate for "indoctrination".

Bwahaha, Jack is actually watching her language around these students!

Lots of fighting, medigel used, dying, loading games and dying again, more Cerberus assholes attacking me from all angles than I care to count, but finally I get through the Atrium and run into "Oc-tah-via" and her impressive barrier as well as some mooks who obligingly keep their backs turned to use while we murder them. And hey, David Archer! He seems a lot better than he was before as EDI observes, and he has helpfully opened up the door to the security room, in which I am told there are guns. I would not turn down a bigger gun right now, so thanks for that, David.

Oh wow, really? The game is going to let me climb into the Walking Tank? Very cool!


Oh, you have an Atlas too? Fine, it can die too! Sure, blow up my Atlas, I still did a ton of damage to yours before you did, and the three of us can finish it off just fine!

Jack got an N7 tattooed on her ass? (Secondary question: there was room anywhere for more tattoos?) You know, I could not click that Paragon prompt fast enough. It's great to have you back, Psychotic Biotic. Bio Ware might fuck up the ultimate ending to the game, but the ending to that mission was damn fun!

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