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Archived Discussion Videogame / Metroid

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Servitor_2152: This was getting kind of natter-y, so I moved it here.

  • Genetically-augmented; the Chozo adopted her as an orphan, and then there's the Metroid DNA business in Fusion, making her human with Chozo and Metroid DNA spliced into her own.
    • This editor wonders what it would all mean for her children, if she can have them. Or do we want to know?
    • You shouldn't have asked.
    • Seriously speaking now, that was answered in both the intro AND the manual to Metroid Fusion. When Samus was injected with serum made from the last Metroid samples, it killed the X Parasites in her body, and also fused what remained of her suit into her body. She's sterile, and can't have children - now. That's also why her "armor" was so much cooler in Metroid Fusion. It's not "armor" any more - it's *skin*.
    • How are these things mutually exclusive?
    • Having read the text of the manual (and having seen ending shots from Fusion of Samus lounging around without her armor), I disagree with your interpretation, but that's not terribly important.
    • She looked her normal Varia Suit self in the end (Ironic since she had the superior Gravity Suit before), so I expected the writers to have pushed a magical Reset Button. In-game before she looks like she still had her cybernetic armor - and Arm Cannon - but now covered in the creation of a latex fetishist running low on material.
    • I always understood that the "fusion" layer of the suit was connected to Samus' nervous system, and that while she could normally will it to detach, the doctors couldn't pull it off when they were treating her for X infection without damaging her CNS.
    • As I see it, the grandparent and great-grandparent posts are right. The armor can still be removed, and she doesn't look any different underneath (proven in Fusion's ending photos), but where in the past she could simply will herself out of it, now it has to be surgically detached from her body (as in Fusion's opening video).
    • In Fusion's intro, Samus was unconscious and unable to will it away. That was the only reason surgery was required. At the end she proves she can still take it off at will.

Zelnor: The End of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is the most blatant example of the Bag of Spilling EVER INVENTED. After defeating the Final Boss, Dark Samus, then Aurora Unit 313 merged with Dark Samus, then Aurora Unit 313's severel floating head, which makes for a nice Mother Brain Homage, an example of a wild blend of Cutscene Power to the Max, the Reset Button, Phlebotinum Overload, Offscreen Teleportation and Wall Banger occurs, as we cut away to the Main Ship of the GF doing the Technobabble which spells "Stuff's gonna go boom" and then quickly flying away as the Pirate's Phazon-powered ships and technology go 'splodey. After they reappear in known space and say that they'vew lost 37 % of the fleet, ahve heavy casualties and don't know where Samus is, she flies up in her Cool Ship to their front window and does a thumbs up, sends a transmission saying "Mission Accomplished" and goes off to sit for ten seconds on Elysia. All that whilst having suddenly reverted to her Varia Suit, tossed away the - grantedly now useless - PED, but also having discarded the Grapple Beam - as her hand is now without the weird center thing - including it's upgrades, the Hazard Shield and probably everything else, complete with energy tanks and missile upgrades, too. One wonders why she doesn't just straight go back to her power Suit to save the next game from bothering with the Bag of Spilling cutscene that inevitable downgrader her even further. This Troper did a literal Wall Banger at that.

... Wait, I'm gonna post this into the main entry. And, by the way, where is the Just Bugs Me entry for this ? I have some plotholes to lampshade, although admittedly the Metroid universe has them in such number they probably replace all those boring Black Holes.

  • Servitor_2152: Given that Samus had just come out of a semi-permanent Hypermode, it's possible the various upgrades she'd acquired over the course of MP3 had become corrupted and needed to be deleted. (This thought comes from reading Metroid: Third Derivative, which applies the concept of Powers as Programs to Samus's suit and runs with it.)

???: Can someone explain why Transfuse's fanart is the illustrating picture? It's pretty, but he traces non-stock photography. That or filters the hell out of them.

Tacitus: Firstly, because I'm not picky about artists' methodology. Secondly, because I think it's a damn fine portrait. Thirdly, because I judged it to be better than the previous picture, which was a small square showing what could have been the Gravity Suit. But mainly it's up there because I uploaded the Deviant Art and unilaterally replaced the previous image with it.

WVI: Woah, get the ending pic back up, that was the best one and most indicative of Samus as a character.

Tacitus: (rolls eyes and throws hands up in a gesture of exasperation and surrender}

In the entry for Has Two Mommies , Gray Voice and Old Bird are mentioned, but then says that the end of Zero Mission depicts Old Bird and an unknown Chozo. How do we know that it isn't Gray Voice? Samus was likely 3 years old at the time of drawing, and they're stick figures. Assuming that its another Chozo simply because it lacks distinguishing features is strange.

Tojo940: Could a separate page possibly be made for the Metroid Prime series? I noticed that recently they made separate pages for all the different Zelda games (but those might be Older Than I Think), and it seems like it would make since to do something similar for other games.

Not to nitpick here, but the article currently says that Samus' normal armor conceals her gender, whereas the Fusion suit is 'more feminine'. I have to call BS there. Regular suit has a wasp waist and Hartman Hips, whereas Fusion suit is flat-chested, narrow-hipped, and wide shouldered. When I heard a game was out where Samus fights a male clone, and saw screenshots, I actually had them switched.
