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Archived Discussion Pantheon / Theater

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Describe Theater Discussion here.

Peteman: I think Samuel L. Jackson should have the line changed from "Garden" to "Planes", referring to metaphysical planes.

Sparkysharps: Joker has control of too many unrelated things. Permission to change the God of Fourth Wall Breaking from him to Deadpool?

BrightBlueInk: Would it be terribly out of line of me to nominate Princess Tutu as the Goddess of dance?

Idler: As I suggested in the discussion on the main page, could Light Yagami do double duty as God of Disproportionate Drama? The whole potato chip-eating thing has secured his place as that in my mind, at least.

Idler: Actually, Mikami might be better for that, now that I think about it. Not even Light is as melodramatic as he is.

Schol-R-LEA: I would like to propose Colin Mochrie as the quasi-deity of Animutation, or of Running Gags (or possibly of Audience Particupation).

Similarly, either Janet Weiss or Mark Pauline be could also be the deity of Audience Participation. Any others up for that role?

BTW, would the Goddess of Innocent Fanservice be in the pantheon of Theater, or of Love and Lust, or both?

Winter: Wait...we have a god for seiyus and no place for Mel Blanc? BLASPHEMY! The Man of a Thousand Voices definitely deserves a place here. I move we immediately create him as Greater God of Voice Acting with whatshisface as subordinate. If for no other reason than just being Bugs Bunny in a mask.

Chris X: Please do so IMMEDIATELY! Just that I am not too familiarized with him that I did not add him just yet. Go go go.

Cukeman: I just know someone's going to come after me with a book of matches and a can of kerosene for suggesting this (if not for it potentially being mildly blasphemous then because it'd belong in a different House), but it just struck me that we could include Jesus as God of The Book.

Schizo Technicain: Isn't Gilgamesh older than Jesus, yet still full of tropes?

Chris X: I'm not too familiar with CSI Miami, but I think Horatio Caine would make a good God of... Glass-pulling awesome effect.
