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Archived Discussion Main / Yakuza

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Citizen: Maybe not the best image, but I couldn't resist. =P

  • Yeah, that's more of a "Yankee" archetype than a Yakuza one. What we need is a guy in a loud suit, with "all-back" or punch-permed hair, missing a pinky. Maybe if someone could screencap that one One Piece short...
Jethro Q Walrustitty: I think we should change the pic, unless you've seen the show (I haven't) it really means nothing. Personally, I think a screenshot of the Yakuza teacher and his tattoo in Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei would be better, and would also illustrate the rather central idea of the back tattoos. Or maybe the guy with the katana in Black Laggoon.

Also, sorted some of the examples and added a few more. And managed to misspell mythical. Damn.

Melloncollie: I changed the picture   *

, I hope you guys like it. It definitely fits better than the old one.
