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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Trope Codifier: From YKTTW

Luc: Minor note: Don't fix the link to The Other Wiki in the Super Mario entries; the parser for this wiki does not handle spaces in links well.

Fast Eddie: On a deletion: Hamlet was clearly working as a detective in portions of the play, so the connection to this trope is not completely spurious. Weak, I'd agree, but present.


Grazzt: I really doubt that Warhammer 40k has as much influence on Chainsaw Good as Evil Dead 2 did. Plus, Evil Dead 2 predates the first editions of Warhammer 40k by several months, and I'm not even sure that any of the units that use chainsaws were part of that edition (does anyone have any idea when they did come about?).

Conversation In The Main Page.
