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Perhaps this trope is a Mundane Solution given military applications?

  • Meiriona: note to self, Ludo calling the rocks needs to be added when I'm on a pc instead of a handheld.
  • During World War II, Russia invaded Finland. What should have been a cakewalk went horribly wrong for the Russians, which had far more manpower and modern military equipment like trucks and tanks. These kept breaking down in the cold or getting stuck in the snow - with the Finns far more maneouvarable (sp?) on skis and snow shoes.

Should this be added to the main page? The Finns did have modern military equipment - just nowhere near as much as the Russians did.

Silent Hunter: Blink- I've heard exactly the same story told with regards to an exercise pre-Iraq War and I think this might be an Urban Legend.

Ta: The Blink example is also pre-Iraq War, so I don't see how it conflicts. I wouldn't be willing to swear to its accuracy, but Snopes has taught me that the more specific information there is, the less likely something is to be an urban legend. The example in Blink gets incredibly specific. It may very well be inaccurate, but I would suggest reading the book before making any decisions.

Nobodymuch: Actually Ethiopia had a quite large army armed with modern rifles and machine guns so characterising them as fighting with spears is a bit of a racial stereotype.

  • Can'tRememberMyName: Well, they did have 20mm anti-aircraft guns, which is probably how they shot down the Italian plane...

Anonymous: That live-action Dudley Do-Right movie isn't on this page? Where it was spoofed to the extreme when Dudley and a group of indians held off Snidley Whiplash with what includes a giant boulder like on Indiana Jones. That, and this quote:

Snidely Whiplash: That's no fair! They've got rocks and all we've got are machine guns!

s5555: As The Spoony Experiment's review seems to indicate, Yor: The Hunter From The Future seems to fit this trope to the extreme.
Eponymous Kid: So, is the image fitting? Just want to be sure if it's, like, thematically appropriate.

Skarmory The PG: Works for me.

Skarmory The PG: Alternate title should be Brought A Gun To A Swordfight.
Madrugada: deleted "Any quadruped must keep at least two legs in contact with the ground at any one time to maintain upright stability, thus limiting its top speed." from the Star Wars AT-AT example. It's simply not true. A quadruped's top speed is limited by a lot of factors, but having to keep at least two feet on the ground is NOT one of them. In fact, at a gallop, a pace, and a trot, a horse has one point in each repetition of footfalls where no foot is touching the ground. In theory, a well-designed quadruped Mecha could do the same thing.
Raven: The one who said that Italy conquered Ethiopia with Germany's help really Did Not Do The Research, as Italy was one of the greatest enemies of Nazi Germany...that is, until it conquered Ethiopia, got santioned by the League of Nations and had to commerce with Germany to survive...So Yeah.
Dausuul: Removed the Warlord Chronicles reference. Derfel versus Liofa isn't so much "rock beats laser" as it is "smart guy with lower-quality sword beats not-quite-as-smart guy with higher-quality sword." There needs to be a much more significant technological divide.
