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Archived Discussion Main / ReallyBigGun

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Looney Toons: Re: the Eureka example on the main page, quoted below:

  • Deputy Joe Lupo from Eureka loves Really Big Guns, having an entire drop-down rack of them. When she administered the weapon familiarity test to the sheriff, he had to take it several times just to pass.

Who is "she"?

Tanto: It's actually "Jo" Lupo; the deputy is female.

MrOnimusha: Small aside about the Fallout example, rifles actually count in the Small Arms category themselves. Not sure how, it doesn't get much longer than a sniper rifle, but them's just the foibles that make us love it so.

Fast Eddie: It's not something humans can use anymore. - Walter C. Dornez/Ddollneaz/However-The-....-You-Want-To-Spell-It, Hellsing, on Alucard's 13mm-using "Jackal" RBG, as translated by AonE

Martello: Shouldn't this be called Really Big Handgun, or Really Big Pistol? A gun is such a generic term - it can mean anything from a two inch long derringer chambered in .22 Magnum to a 8-inch naval gun. It's not really that big of a deal, but it just seems like an unnecessarily confusing title. Oh, and on the Fallout classification system, any weapon to be carried and fired by a single soldier or a crew no larger than two, is actually classified as a small arm in real life. Sniper rifles definitely fall into this category. So do some heavy machine guns.

Spectrum: How does this trope differ from BFG? Sounds to me like it's just The Same But More Less.

Nornagest: Cut from the Warhammer 40 K example. You know the drill:

*** And a 'Depleted deuterium core'. Because the second lightest element in existence is obviously an ideal material for bullets.
*** Editing error, IIRC. They're still kicking themselves over it.
*** It is possible that the bolter round is actually a highly miniaturized fusion warhead as deuterium and other hydrogen isotopes are fuel for stars.

Someone seems to have gotten their Fan Wank in the Main namespace. Ew.

For those keeping score at home, there's a place to put stuff like this.

Also, moving the Vulcan Raven example to the BFG page — another victim of the ambiguity in this page's name, yay.

Martello: I'm going to change the name of this page if nobody objects sometime in the next few days. Not sure of a new title yet, but Hand Cannon has a nice ring.
