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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Ronfar: Is this an "Oh John Ringo No" kind of thing?

Loyal 2 NES: Oh lord, there's a TV Tropes article on this thing!? And here I was hoping it was just a small-time thing in an obscure corner of the Internet that I could quietly bleach from my brain and never have to think about again.

SpiriTsunami: Yep. Now with Fauxtivational Poster!

Rogue 7: "Better" seems up for debate. Dear god, my childhood! And a complete aside- I can just imagine this supposedly big bad villain hearing about this whole "have sex" thing and responding with a resigned "didn't see that coming!"

Nornagest: "Oh John Ringo No" seems to sum it up pretty well. If only we had a policy against blatant wankery.

Magus: Jusenkyo water? JUSENKYO WATER?!

{{eh?}}: So, this is like GOR for 'furries,' right?

PuppetChaos: What is this I don't even...

Mo0: What the heck happened to the page? Is pokegirls treated as legitimate now? Last time I read this thing it was a joke. Seriously, a series where you find a rape various women with superpowers in order to tame them should not be taken seriously

DanaO: On the off chance this stays up and needs actual editing for accuracy, I've just gone over the Pokegirl community's documentation. One suggested correction to the Wiki page's main body: "a sterilization virus he loosed on the Earth" should be changed to something like "a sterilization virus China accidentally loosed on the Earth". China was attempting biological warfare against Pokegirls (who turned out to have advanced - and partly magical - immune systems). Once in the wild, the virus's best evolutionary strategy turned out to be mutating into a human-affecting strain. Sukebe doesn't seem to have done anything to cause that, although it allowed him to step up the plans for his scheduled defeat (the entire war appears to have been a massive Xanatos Gambit).

DanaO: Update: I've looked at a few stories. So far I haven't seen either a greater concentration of sex (there are stories which don't include it at all except "off camera") or evidence of a more rape-themed body of work than you'd find at most fan fiction sites (keeping in mind what that means...). Seems more common to take standard relationships (or import them from various sources) and just make somebody a pokegirl. Plenty of tsunderes running around.
