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Archived Discussion Main / FusionFic

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Rename Fusion: From YKTTW

Looney Toons: Queen Of Dorkness proved her name by trying to start a Conversation In The Main Page:

  • I would love to read that. Can you post a link?

Planet Cool: Hey guys, I came up with a pretty radical idea for a Fusion Fic. Re-writing The Catcher In The Rye as seen through the lens of No More Heroes. It would be strictly for the fun of it, of course, and when you think about it for a half-second, every single role damn near casts itself! Is this a good recipe for some ironic, graffitti-scrubbing fun, or should I listen to the voice in my head that says, "You're never going to finish that!"? (I would have put this on the forums, but couldn't think of the proper place for it.)
