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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Fast Eddie: pulling my own addition, behind second thoughts ...

* Paganism has been through this, in at least two flavors. The "bad" flavor, where pagans are the source of evil (beginning/reborn from the Middle Ages around 1973's The Wicker Man) and the "good" flavor (Charmed, BtVS) in the mid '90's.
... as it doesn't seem to be as "big" as the other examples.

Tanto: Do video games, pre-crash, fit here? It's before my time.

Looney Toons: Mmm. I don't think so... I lived through that period as a kid/teen and I don't remember it being anywhere nearly as all-pervasive as the CB fad was.

Looney Toons: Removed
A cynic may notice that crusades that simultaneously criticize an aspect of culture tend to change whenever the Predidency changes political parties.
because I don't exactly see what relevance it has to the topic.

It's certainly not only American; Gilbert and Sullivan spoofed a few fads in their operettas, including a period of intense interest in all things Japanese, and a sudden widespread interest in "Mediaevalist aesthetic" poets.

Doug S. Machina: Metrosexual, "one who is sexually attracted to entire cities". Surely that's Captain Jack from Torchwood?

I think what the person was getting at was the skyscrapers and roads and public transport and infrastructure, rather than Anything That Moves. Heheheh.
