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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Beware the Superman: From YKTTW

Lale: Wasn't this the premise of Heroes? (I've never seen it but have learned more than enough about it from this site.)

Ununnilium: Not really; it tends more towards the idealistic side overall.

ysqure3: Isn't this the core of Mark Waid's and Alex Ross's Kingdom Come?

Morgan Wick: From Star Trek: "(Though aliens, and even androids and cyborgs, who exceed human abilities are perfectly fine.)" It's only logical that aliens are barred from exceeding whatever their own race's abilities are. As for androids, they don't have souls and presumably would be programmed not to Turn Against Their Masters if they do. I can't explain cyborgs as anything other than bureaucratic madness unless Cybernetics Steal Your Soul.

BritBllt: Yeah, I'm nuking that line. It comes off as Complaining About Shows You Dont Like, or a Just Bugs Me point at best, and it doesn't make any sense. Aliens... well, what are they going to do, go on genocidal campaigns against every alien species that has the misfortune of being better than humans in some way? Androids, they've dealt with that point - during Data's What Measure Is a Non-Human? trial, Picard realized that a legal precedent was being set for the mass production of an android slave race and he successfully argued against it. As for cybernetics, so far as I know, there are no superhuman cyborgs (apart from, well, the Borg, but somehow I don't think they're worried about getting Starfleet's approval). The cybernetics we see used by humans, such as Geordi's eyes and Picard's artificial heart, are medical technology that only offer peripheral benefits. They don't have any superhuman cyborg crew members walking around: maybe the same rule applies in that regard. I suppose maybe the troper means Seven of Nine, but the Doctor removed everything he could without killing her, and we know from Bashir that Starfleet doesn't take its No Transhumanism Allowed rules so far as killing people.
