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Reviews FanficRecs / The Talk: Shinobi Version

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throwaawy Since: Mar, 2011
02/10/2012 12:53:45 •••

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  • Comments: Kakashi, shortly after the Wave mission, decides to give his cute little Genin the talk (the how having already been explained at the academy, but the why's are not Kakashis job). Kakashi is captured so brilliantly in this fic as are all the other characters. Kakaashi's perspective is great for humor but it tackles some serious issues and does it with class and style that is hard to match.
    • Has its issues. The Mood Whiplash is very strong in this one- for example it goes from Naruto innocently recalling a time two kindly geisha looked after him in for the night when he locked himself out of his apartment as a kid, to Kakashi resolving to seriously investigate whether Sakura was raped as a child. It IS well written, though.

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