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Reviews WesternAnimation / Spiders Web A Pigs Tale

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FilmFreak FilmFreak Since: Jul, 2011
01/17/2012 15:39:38 •••

Spider's Web: A Pig's Tale

As a whole Spark Plug Entertainment makes laughably bad animated films that reach a level just above Video Brinquedo,but only slightly. But at least Video Brinquedo aren't responsible for what I believe to be the worst excuse for an animated film that I have ever had the misfortune of watching. Now what could be worse than something like Ratatoing you ask? Five words; Spider's Web: A Pig's Tale.

The message behind the film is not to tell lies and that it's always easier to tell the truth. Well what's wrong with that? What's wrong is that it's told in the absolute worse way you could ever imagine. The story is about a pig named Walt who get's into trouble frequently because he doesn't tell the truth whenever he makes a mistake. He has a spider friend named Tiffany who asks as his conscience, but he doesn't even acknowledge her half the time. No instead he takes advice from an obvious villain Norman who just happens to be a snake. Everyone knows you can trust a snake!

The plot doesn't sound so bad from my description, but trust me... it must be seen to be believed. Which is sad because the whole reason I'm writing this is to prevent people from seeing it. The CGI is terrible, the voice acting is atrocious, and the characters are just unlikable. I was down right disgusted by this films pandering to the kids and insulting their intelligence. "Hey guys, we need to teach kids not to lie! But we can't just tell them why lying is bad, let's make it a story about a pig that wants to be famous and lies constantly. Oh, and let's add a snake for the villain. And some aliens! And let's make some of the inanimate objects alive for no complete reason!!!"

This is without a doubt my most hated animated film. And I know there's worse out there, the animated Titanic movies, any of Video Brinquedo's films but this is the one that got me the most offended. Kids aren't stupid, they don't need pointless and random crap flying at them throughout an entire film in order to be taught a lesson.

I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone. Avoid at all costs. This review may not have done much to convince you how bad this movie really is but you'll be better off if you just ignore its existence.


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