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Reviews VideoGame / Fire Emblem Awakening

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JMReviews Since: Oct, 2015
10/14/2015 18:42:09 •••

One of the Best Handheld Games Ever

Let me start by saying that I am a bit of a newcomer to the series. FE Awakening is the third Fire Emblem game that I have played (having played through FE 7 and Sacred Stones on an emulator). That being said, Awakening is easily not only my favorite Nintendo game, but also one of my top 5 favorite games of all time.

Story: Fire Emblem Awakening has a fantastic story. The first half of the game had my eyes glued to the screen the entire time, and left me wanting for more. My only complaint is with the second half of the story because of some pacing issues and slight repetitiveness. Overall it's worth an 8/10.

Characters: Awakening has a rather large cast, but they honestly use that to their advantage. There are enough characters that it just adds to the replay value because you can go back and try the campaign with a completely different team. Of course, everyone has their favorites, and some characters that they hate, but that's part of what makes the cast so great. 10/10

Graphics and Sound: The character and environment designs are gorgeous. Each character design is unique and matches that character's personality to a t. My only gripe with the graphics is the lack of feet on the in- battle models and that the animation is a bit rigid at times. As for the soundtrack, it is one of the best game soundtracks I have ever had the pleasure of listening to. Each track fits the situation perfectly, and, if the soundtrack was available on iTunes, I would happily purchase every song. In addition, it has very solid voice acting. Although, I should definitely give a special mention to the English dub, as it was very well done. Basically, imagine the standard for any recent Aniplex dub, and you've got the dub for Awakening. 9/10 for graphics. 10/10 for sound.

Gameplay: The Fire Emblem series is easily one of the most enjoyable strategy franchises. Awakening takes mechanics from the previous titles and improves upon them for an immersive experience that makes you sweat every decision. The pairing mechanic not only adds a strategic element, but can also change the story, and makes you care for the characters just that much more. 9.5/10

Overall, Fire Emblem Awakening is a fantastic game that revitalized its franchise. I can, without a doubt, say that I will be replaying this game well into the future. 9.3/10 with a recommendation to buy immediately.

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