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Reviews VideoGame / Spider Man Web Of Shadows

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jenkind1 jenkind1 Since: Aug, 2015
08/24/2015 13:40:09 •••

Does Whatever a Spider Can. And Then Some.

This game comes super close to being almost Arkham City level of 'a superhero done right'. I think Shattered Dimensions might be the better game, but it doesn't give you as much freedom. You can swing through an open world of NYC skyscrapers at breakneck speeds, Spidey spinning and contorting himself just like a panel of the comics. The combat system is Amazing. No, Spectacular! Its Devil May Cry type of stylish action with 4 types of attack on 3 buttons that all fit into neat combos: punch, web zip kick, web shots or tendril pull (Red vs Black). You can switch between Spider-Man and Venom's movelists in the middle of a fight. You can fight in the streets, in the air, and even on the damn walls! I have longed to see the Symbiote portrayed as the shapeshifting Lovecraftian horror that it is, and boy howdy do the story AND gameplay deliver. Upgraded Black Suit moves turn Spidey into a mass of writhing damage-dealing tendrils and claws. However, it is not a super mode or a temporary power up. You can stay Red or Black for as long as you want with civilians reacting. While Spidey's webbing is useful to stun enemies, Venom does more damage, giving Spider-Man the meanness needed to chuck exploding cars willy-nilly down a quiet neighborhood full of pedestrians to take out one thug. Also, the enemies are not color coded! The story gives you Ultimate choice. You can keep Spider-Man noble and responsible, watch as he slowly gets corrupted, regrets his actions, or jump right into being a masked Menace. Some of the choices are kind of weird, but I guess the logic is that Spider-Venom thinks that his villains would make more powerful allies and so he needs to be a Jerkass to get their fear and respect. But you don't really know what the result of choices are first time through. Thankfully, one of the Black Suit choices is clearly to hook up with Black Cat. Much rejoicing indeed. You can have fun conversations with many Marvel characters like Luke Cage and Wolverine, rich in lore and trivia. Some of the mechanics need polish. Saving civilians out of the air is impossible for me. Missions can get repetitive, Luke Cage really REALLY wants you to know how to press Triangle, justifiable as that zip kick is an annoyingly main part of the game (its the only way to fight Vulture and Goblin Gliders) but we get it. I still give it an 8 out of ten, or a 4 out of 5.

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