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Reviews Fanfic / The Metropolitan Man

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trekie140 Since: Mar, 2013
03/01/2015 13:41:47 •••

Good ideas ruined by an overly dark final arc.

Full disclaimer, I like both All-Star Superman and Man of Steel. While the former is most certainly a superior product I respect the latter for trying to tell a Darker and Edgier story with Superman even if the execution had problems. I definately prefer the happy, idealistic storys of the Man of Tomorrow but I don't see why a dark Superman story can't be good by its very nature. I do not dislike this fanfic because it is dark and cynical or because I'm not okay with Superman's actions, but because I can't stand the idiotic and nihilistic direction the plot and characters take in the final act.

I love the idea of a Superman Rational Fic and for a while the story did a good job of deconstructing the Man of Steel for 1930s America. For the most part all the characters are written well despite the exposition-heavy dialogue and intrusive narration. However, Rational!Luthor falters when he never once considers talking to Superman before deciding to kill him, and I didn't buy into Lois' fear of Superman that she also never spoke to him about. Even so, everyone is smart and at least have basis in the original characters, their conversations bring up some interesting points, and the plot is very grounded in reality. Not a great story, but still pretty good. For a while anyway.


The problem is the final arc. Superman publicly murders a crime boss because "I was standing there, hating him, and thinking how much better the world would be if he were dead." It wasn't in defense of anyone nor did he attempt to hide it. He even confesses to Lois that he'd spend relative days thinking it over before deciding to commit murder. He ended up regreting it, but this is where the story spirals downward. Lois joins Luthor and decides to pretend to be in love with Superman to trick him, a plot point that is creepy on many levels and was such a stupid plan Superman sees through it easily. Then he has the final confrontation with Luthor and dies through a plot contrivance that barely makes sense. That's it, story's over.

I can accept Superman killing villains. I actually like Zod's death in Man of Steel. He killed Zod in defense of innocent people after Zod had announced he'd never stop trying to kill others to spite Superman. Here, THE SUPERHERO unambiguously committs murder. I hate this fic.

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