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Reviews Film / Seven Pounds

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thenameisbean Since: Oct, 2010
09/11/2013 17:34:14 •••

A vile, reprehensible film.

This is a movie I couldn't even bear to sit through. It's one of (if not the) most insensitive, insulting, and disrespectful movies I've ever seen. I won't bother summarizing the numerous plot holes, the god-awful acting, or the fact that the movie expects us to sympathize with a sociopath and a criminal. I'll just get to the movie's overall message.

"Suicide can be a good thing."

No. No. NO.

Where do I start with what's wrong with that? It's a slap in the face to everyone who's ever lost someone to suicide, to anyone who's ever recovered from a suicide attempt, to anyone who's ever even contemplated suicide - a group that I am among. It's blatant Oscar Bait, trying to ride on misplaced sympathies. It's sickening and repulsive, and everyone involved with it should be ashamed. If you like this movie, you are wrong to do so.

marcellx Since: Feb, 2011
09/11/2013 00:00:00

So many things wrong with this review. If someone liked something I didn't, they're simply wrong to do so. It can't be that they have a different interpretation/opinion, etc. because apparently my view is a fact.

This movie's message wasn't suicide can be a good thing, is that the message of every movie/book/video game, etc. where someone sacrifices has the same message. That's like saying a story about an organ donor who dies in an accident/natural causes/disease has the message death can be a good thing.

Not all stories have a message.

fenrisulfur Since: Nov, 2010
09/11/2013 00:00:00

I hate the movie, but I don't think someone in inherently bad for liking something. The movie tried to make Will Smith's suicide a noble act. The problem was, his suicide wasn't because he was donating organs. He was killing himself because he blamed himself. Otherwise, why would he kill himself in one of the most painful ways possible (ignoring the fact that the poison would destroy his organs)? The whole movie is Will Smith trying to justify it by giving his organs away. That said, in order to give his organs away, he impersonates his brother and likely will ruin his life (and his family's) because of the fraud, and also thinks he can be the arbiter of who should be helped or not. His "selfless" acts are ultimately selfish and ego stroking because of this. For another example, think about how much he goes on about his girlfriend but still finds time to sleep with Rosario Dawson (despite her heart condition). The sacrifice is incidental. Otherwise he wouldn't have had to steal someone's identity to stalk people and choose who deserved his sacrifice. Is there a message, well since the movie ends with people who received the transplants talking it over, it is making a statement. The audience does not make the choice, the script beats them to it.

illegitematus non carborundum est

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