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[003] Eagal Current Version
Changed line(s) 7 from:
But again as before, Iroh is a direct take-off of Zuko in every way. They cast Bosco, despite his voice not fitting the character, for no reason other than for fans to go HeyItsThatGuy! His significance to the plot is entirely incidental.
But again as before, Iroh is a direct take-off of Zuko in every way. They cast Bosco, despite his voice not fitting the character, for no reason other than for fans to go HeyItsThatGuy! His significance to the plot is entirely incidental to the (poor) choice for his voice actor.
Changed line(s) 7 from:
But again as before, Iroh is a direct take-off of Zuko in every way. They cast Bosco, despite his voice not fitting the character, for no reason other than for fans to go HeyItsThatGuy!
But again as before, Iroh is a direct take-off of Zuko in every way. They cast Bosco, despite his voice not fitting the character, for no reason other than for fans to go HeyItsThatGuy! His significance to the plot is entirely incidental.
Changed line(s) 3 from:
DBB played frakin Momo and Appa. It\'s a meaningless transition to cast him again as a different character. GDL was Azula. Unless she plays Azula\'s identical granddaughter is Book 2, it will similarly be meaningless.
DBB played frakin Momo and Appa. It\\\'s a meaningless transition to cast him again as a different character. GDL was Azula. Unless she plays Azula\\\'s identical granddaughter in Book 2, it will similarly be meaningless.