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25th Aug '13 at 12:40:33 PMSharleeD
line 1 changed to:
Is there a trope for when, just as a character is concluding that something weird they\'d experienced was AllJustADream or otherwise never happened, a bit of physical evidence turns up proving it did occur? Like Nancy still holding Freddy\'s hat after she took it off his head while dreaming in \'\'Film/ANightmareOnElmStreet\'\', or Tiffany\'s shoes being full of sand when she returns from the desert beyond Death\'s door in \'\'Discworld/AHatFullOfSky\'\'.
Is there a trope for when, just as a character is concluding that something weird they\'d experienced was AllJustADream or otherwise never happened, a bit of physical evidence turns up proving it did occur? Like Nancy still holding Freddy\'s hat after she took it off his head in \'\'Film/ANightmareOnElmStreet\'\', or Tiffany\'s shoes being full of sand when she returns from the desert beyond Death\'s door in \'\'Discworld/AHatFullOfSky\'\'.

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