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ChasFink Since: Sep, 2016
11th Jan, 2017 03:19:18 PM

Thank you Erica B. I have tried that angle and it really wore me out. I should say the film in question involved space travel (as I remember). Not either of these, as I know Creation of the Humanoids, and would have certainly remembered Richard Kiel.

Update 1/17/17: It seems the movie I've been thinking of is Mario Bava's "Planet Of The Vampires" (1965) - although it's all not as I remember. It was an alien-posessed reanimated corpse, there were no blinking robot innards (only rotting flesh and bone), and it wasn't animated, only a rubber chest piece. I seem to have conflated the rotting chest with some wiring in an equipment panel in another part of the movie. Somehow, the image of hamburger falling off electronics is still in my mind -whether I made it up or it's in some other film I can't remember will now bug the hell out of me.

Edited by ChasFink
ChasFink Since: Sep, 2016
25th Jan, 2017 07:00:32 AM

I'm bumping this to see if anyone can place the "rotting flesh falling off electronics" sequence, now that I know it's not in this movie.
