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YMMV / Zombies vs. Unicorns

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  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Was the unicorn wrangler in "The Care and Feeding of Your Baby Unicorn" like Wen once, someone who could hear the unicorn's requests only to get suckered into helping a carnivore?
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: During "The Care and Feeding of Your Baby Unicorn" the narrator during an implicit war between unicorns and humans starts taking care of the title character, filled with angst about going against her culture. Then How to Train Your Dragon came out in 2010 . . .
  • Moral Event Horizon:
    • "The Highest Justice" features a king murdering his own wife by having his mistress poison the latter and marrying said mistress quietly. He and his mistress fit the Asshole Victim profile quite well.
    • The pirate in "Bougainvillea" crosses it when he kills Iza's father and takes over the island. Then tries to use Iza's status as Overlord Jr. to maintain his hold.
    • Otto Penzler in "Purity Test" was going to sacrifice baby unicorns and a virgin in his quest for immortality.
    • The actress in "Children of the Revolution" was not only bringing back dead children to life, but was perfectly happy with doing the same to Innocent Bystander Sophie and her boyfriend Franklin.
    • The unicorn wrangler in "The Care and Feeding of Your Baby Unicorn" may or may not cross it, considering her mistreatment of Flower's mother Venom and plan to drown the unicorn foal in the water. Wen invokes Alternative Character Interpretation about this. However, whoever showed Venom as the supposedly killer unicorn that killed Wen's cousin definitely crossed it.
    • Spank in "Princess Prettypants" takes a photo of an Ingenue with her bra on and plans to show it to the whole school, potentially ruining her life. It may not seem like much, but it would count as "revenge porn" in this day and age.
  • Squick: A Thousand Flowers if you think too much long about it. It's only alluded to, but the princess gets impregnated by a unicorn - unfortunately/fortunately, the baby dies at birth
  • Wangst: The unicorn in The Third Virgin, at least according to Team Zombie leader Justine Larbaleister, who refers to him as a "whinger". The reader might be a bit more sympathetic.
