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YMMV / What If Gine Went With Goku to Earth?

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  • Complete Monster (written fanfic): Frieza, is as vile as in canon, a galactic tyrant who has conquered and slaughtered all life on multiple planets in order to sell them to other races on the galactic market. If Frieza has no interest in ruling a particular conquered planet and believes it won't net him a good price, he destroys it entirely. Among these many annihilated planets is the Planet of the Saiyans. During the story, Frieza goes to Namek to come after Vegeta, ordering his troops to kill everyone in the village and planning to take Gine, Goku's mother. When his troops fail, Frieza kills one of them to force the others to continue fighting. He gets into a fight with Gine and overpowers her, delivering a brutal No-Holds-Barred Beatdown.
